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I have had a DCS system since 2013 with no issues until about a month ago. My remote started displaying the messages Check Track, then after a few mins it started displaying Out of RF Range. To confirm this I manually connected the remote to the TIU with a phone line. Everything worked flawlessly and my remote connected to my trains and accessories. Then after I would unplug it my remote started to lag and major functions such as; speed control, direction, and emergency stop wouldn't work. So I did some research on how to fix it and came across the common way, which was re-seating the remotes transceiver board. So I followed a tutorial on youtube posed by a fellow member. I re-seated the board and inserted a piece of memory foam. I checked all of the solder points and everything was intact. Then I buttoned up the remote and this fix would only work  for a few mins until I got the error again. So I took it to my local MTH shop without telling them I opened the case. Their solution was to send my system back to MTH. So my question is, are there any other fix's or suggestions to make my remote work like normal. Besides whats the point of having a wireless remote if it cant keep a wireless connection!


Last edited by 440Chauncey
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