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Quick questions -

Each DCS input/output can have a max of 10 amps each correct? So if I set both variable outputs to fixed, I can have a total of 4 outputs with a max of 10 amps each?

How many fuses are inside the tiu? Only two 20 amp fuses (track 1 and track 2) or are there 4 10 amp fuses?

last question - anyone recommend a fuse I can use as a fail safe and do the fuses get placed between the transformer and the tiu inputs correct ?

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I have four 10 amp auto blade fuses in holders that are sold at Walmart and the like. One is on each TIU channel's input. I have four Lionel PH180 bricks for power and alternate in a MTH Z4000 when I want. Even when the bricks are there with their fast acting breakers, I still like the inline fuses at the TIU.

I've never had any TIU failures and I have blown many fuses from derails. Most blown fuses were on my outside G scale DC layout. Again, I have a ten amp fuse on each fixed input with DC power from Bridgewerks high power packs.

So it's cheap and fast to swap out a blown 10 amp auto blade fuse. Don't push the internal fuses!

When the G scale trains pick a switch, they'll pop the fuse before you even know you had a derail. The 25 amp pack would fry something otherwise I believe.

Last edited by Engineer-Joe

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