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superwarp1 posted:
H1000 posted:

This is what happens when I switch away from the App and come back to it:


As I stated above this is nothing new.  I noticed this when the standard app first came out.  Don't switch out while operating.


i try building the lashup in the app.

I didn't have this problem with the previous app (Version 1.2). I could switch and to other apps and come back without have to do a read to regain control.

David Minarik posted:
Barry Broskowitz posted:


I did encounter one oddball issue that no one else seemed to be able to duplicate.

I had a Rev.L TIU connected to a WIU via USB and also had a plain old 9-pin, straight-through, 6' cable connected to the Rev. L's serial port, with nothing connected to the cable's other end. Until I removed the serial cable, the app had major heartburn using that TIU.

Does this sound at all familiar?


I did have the TIU/Legacy cable plugged in.  I did not try adding with the serial cable unplugged.  

I'll be testing on the home layout tonight with 3 TIUs in super mode.




I ran into this issue last night.  I unplugged the serial cable and the TIUs were found.


I received this e-mail yesterday from MTH.  It is very helpful because they have all the links and information in one place for their customers.  

M.T.H. DCS Premium App Released To App Stores

MTH e-mail April 19 2017

April 19, 2017 – M.T.H. Electric Trains has released the DCS Premium version of its smartphone and tablet app for controlling a DCS layout wirelessly to the Apple App Store and Google Play store. The apps should be appearing in the stores today, April 18th. Current users of the FREE or STANDARD versions of the app will be able to obtain the Premier version via an in-app purchase. Users may have to manually update the app in order for the Premium in-app purchase link to appear.

First announced in 2014, the app is now available in three versions:

  • a FREE version with control of 3 locomotives and limited features
  • a $4.99 STANDARD version with full locomotive control
  • The all-new $24.99 PREMIUM version, which provides the user with full DCS control

The apps communicate with a separately sold DCS WiFi Interface Unit (WIU). Any Android tablet or smartphone and Apple iPhone or iPad will bring the DCS Digital Command System to life in a way never thought possible when first paired with a DCS remote control. Any of these smart devices can run the new apps.

The DCS Premium App allows operators to control an entire layout in command or conventional modes without using a DCS handheld remote. A TIU (Track Interface Unit) along with the separately sold DCS WIU is required for app control over the layout. Simply plug the module into the TIU, search for its WiFi signal on the phone or tablet, and begin running a DCS layout in command mode in no time.

The PREMIUM App also requires an update to the software powering the DCS Track Interface Unit (TIU). The new DCS software (Version 6.00) is available on the M.T.H. Website via a FREE DOWNLOAD. In order to load the DCS Version 6.0 software into the TIU and Remote, users must use the FREE DCS Windows Loader program to install the software. Older versions of the DCS Loader Program will not work on the new DCS Version 6.0 software.


To keep my adult son involved in Dad's Layout, (Man Cave).  We are going to do this project together.  I have found all the cables, for the 6.0 upgrade.  Hope to get that done and move on to the objectives, that I need for my layout.




Images (1)
  • MTH e-mail April 19 2017

How does one start the Import/Export function? Where does the file to import get created?  I need to get my switches imported into the Premium App...

Any tips or pointers will certainly be appreciated...

[I should note that I have not yet tried the TMCC/Legacy engine functions;  so I don't know if I'll have any issues...  Want to get the switches in first... TIUs in Supermode OK -- also have only run on ANdroid tablet...  iPhone next!!]


Last edited by JimQ

I don't own a WIU yet, but I'm thinking about getting one.  Hoping there may be some special promotional offers at York.  So I have a few questions about the app and wireless support. 

  1. Does the user have to buy a copy of the app for each device, or do you buy it once and use a license key or other sharing mechanism to put it on all your devices?
  2. I have an Ipad and 2 Android phones.  Are there any issues with using a mix of device platforms simultaneously?  Is it being tested using a mix?
  3. Can you mix app versions in your operating environment?  For example, could my Ipad run the premium app, one Android phone run the standard version, and second Android phone run the free version, simultaneously?  Is that being tested?
  4. If I have a device set up for my layout environment and I want to visit a friends house and use my device on their layout, is there a way to save and restore network and layout configurations across different operating sessions?  How portable is the app?

Thanks in advance for your  comments!

I upgraded to the Premium app yesterday.  These are the steps I took to get app working.

  • Purchased then installed DCS Premium app (from iTunes since I have an iphone)
  • As recommended, I upgraded my TIU to 6.0.  I found the 6.0 upgrade @
  • I didn't already have the DCS Loader 5.0 program on my laptop so I downloaded and installed it
  • I followed the DCS loader instructions for upgrading my TIU.  My TIU is an old serial port model so I used the USB adapter cable from my WIU to connect to my laptop.

Once the 6.0 update was completed I confirmed the TIU version from within the app: More... -> Advanced Features -> System Settings -> TIU Settings.

First feature I tested was the All Engines function which I used to start up and shut down all of my Active engines at the same time.  I wish the app would allow users to "deactivate" engines that are on live tracks.  The DCS remote could do this via a soft key I recall.  When I attempted to control the throttle of my engines on my mains in "All Engine" mode, the Active engines in the yard responded as well.

Next feature I tested was a DCS Lash Up.   Making a lash up with the app is easier than with the remote.  I especially liked that I can type out the lash up name with the soft keyboard on my iphone.  I got the lash up (a pair of powered CSX diesels) to startup, stop, change directions just fine.   While operating at about 15 smph, one engine momentarily lost power (it had not been run in over a year and probably needed its battery charged).  When I went to slow down the lash up the engine had moved to the In Active list in the app.   I tried to re-read engines but it would not return to the Active Engine list.   Only way I got my "runaway" lash up to stop was to go into All Engine mode and zero the throttle.   I was unable to get the lash-up to the Active Engine list even after cycling the power to the track off then on.   Ultimately I deleted the lash-up and recreated it.

Next test will be to wire up some of my switches to my AIU and try controlling them via the app.  I also plan to isolate each of  my engine yard tracks so I can power them on and off via my AIU (method detailed by Rich Battista in his Black Diamond Railroad videos)

All in all though I'm happy the DCS Premium app is finally available.  It does everything my DCS remote did and more.  I gladly paid the $20 upgrade since I no longer plan to buy new thumb wheels to repair the broken ones in my DCS remotes.

Obsidian Ken

trainroomgary posted:

This is not from my YouTube Channel, but check it out..............

This a product review by a fellow YT Creator.  You may want to check it out, he is not satisfied with the new APP. Has found a lot of issues.  Calls it a "flop" and much more.             Published: April 19, 2017


It would be real sad if it wasn't so funny.  He makes a lot of good points.  I haven't tried a lashup yet for DCS engines, I'll do that tonight.  I've failed trying to create a TMCC lashup.   I'm going to do a video like this and post this weekend.  I have suggestions, criticisms, and likes about the app.   I'm guessing the short comings with the lashup will be fixed down the road?  Figured there would be growing pains with this.

There's a lot of operator error in that video.

Interesting he calls it a flop when not all are having the issues he has.    I'm running DCS and TMCC lashups just fine from my iPhone and iPad.    Sure some are having issues, while other are not, with the same thing they're trying to do.

By following some advice I read from Barry, I can pull the whistle cord for my steam engine in a lashup.

This guy sounds like he already had an axe to grind and the moment something in the app didn't work for him, he got his 15 minutes of fame..     And who creates a user name of MTH DCS just to whine??

I've got switches added..etc..etc..

Almost every complex app I have... most are for live music applications running mixers and other stuff.... are constantly being updated.  Nature of the beast as things are found that no one anticipated no matter how much beta testing went into it.

Is everything perfect with the new version? No.  However things are being worked on, as with every other major app developer.

So far, the premium version is a bug step up.  My opinion of course.


Oh look.  APP store says my Logic Pro remote has been updated to work with Mainstage 3.3.   

Last edited by EscapeRocks
EscapeRocks posted:

There's a lot of operator error in that video.

Interesting he calls it a flop when not all are having the issues he has.    I'm running DCS and TMCC lashups just fine from my iPhone and iPad.    Sure some are having issues, while other are not, with the same thing they're trying to do.

I've got switches added..etc..etc..

Almost every complex app I have... most are for live music applications running mixers and other stuff.... are constantly being updated.  Nature of the beast as things are found that no one anticipated no matter how much beta testing went into it.

I think he is just venting frustration and does have valid points. I'm also on Android and I have the same exact issue he has with my AA Diesel Lash-up. I'm curious to know if other Android folks have run into the same thing. It's not a deal breaker for me, and I'm sure it will get fixed. I can run my Lash-up, bell, horn, control smoke so for now I will be patient.

BNSF-Matt posted:
EscapeRocks posted:

There's a lot of operator error in that video.

Interesting he calls it a flop when not all are having the issues he has.    I'm running DCS and TMCC lashups just fine from my iPhone and iPad.    Sure some are having issues, while other are not, with the same thing they're trying to do.

I've got switches added..etc..etc..

Almost every complex app I have... most are for live music applications running mixers and other stuff.... are constantly being updated.  Nature of the beast as things are found that no one anticipated no matter how much beta testing went into it.

I think he is just venting frustration and does have valid points. I'm also on Android and I have the same exact issue he has with my AA Diesel Lash-up. I'm curious to know if other Android folks have run into the same thing. It's not a deal breaker for me, and I'm sure it will get fixed. I can run my Lash-up, bell, horn, control smoke so for now I will be patient.

Yeah I get that....


I guess I'm just used to complex APPs being released over the years now, so I don't sweat the things, as I know they will be fixed.

Last edited by EscapeRocks
EscapeRocks posted:


Oh look.  APP store says my Logic Pro remote has been updated to work with Mainstage 3.3.   

  I think I'll go on YouTube and complain it took 2 weeks to fix a cross platform bug

Music, trains, boneless chicken farming



#1 I believe that this pro app's development has been a few years.

#2 Everyone who has responded to the lash-up problem, has seen the missing controls he's describing. So where's the operator error?

He's pointing out what you now describe as a bug that will be fixed? Do you have inside info?

I kind of get the feeling that the Android version wasn't beta tested as much as the Apple version of the app.  Feels like more problems are always surfacing in the Android camp.  I'm confident these problems will be resolved, but we also need to be aware that MTH only makes the app and not the device they operate on.

This is why I like to troubleshoot problems on more than one brand and model of device if possible (especially in the Android realm). This is where Apple has the leg up on Android devices, They have complete control of the hardware and software that runs their devices and have 1000's of less models to troubleshoot than the Android makers.


Engineer-Joe posted:

He's pointing out what you now describe as a bug that will be fixed? Do you have inside info?

I doubt they'll leave it broke.

While these items are an annoyance they are to be expected to some degree.  The BETA testers do a very good job.  Some things slip through, some get inadvertently broken while fixing other issues.  The best course of action is to list suspected bugs, have others confirm it and then let MTH fix them. 

Last edited by MartyE

  I really want to stay on the positive side of things and I love the good ideas and intentions MTH has, with that said given the amount of time and number of delays to get to the point we are at now I have very little hope issues for android users will be fixed very quickly.  I've tried multiple devices and all show the same problems.  

 With that said does anybody have all routes, scenes, lash-ups and Legacy opperation working correctly on a android based device? My guess is no way.


GManning35 posted:

 With that said does anybody have all routes, scenes, lash-ups and Legacy opperation working correctly on a android based device? My guess is no way.


I was able to get a few of my routes to work but only when I used a larger tablet that was able to display almost all of my switches on the screen at the same time. I didn't have to scroll and the app couldn't magically uncheck my selections when I pressed "Save".

GManning35 posted:

  Barry I switched to this thread since it seems to be a better place with more activity. 

  Now that I'm back at the layout I can tell you that no way can I run any Legacy loco's in the Legacy mode I have to be in the TMCC mode but at least I can run them from the app that way. 

 Next new issue that I read up above by another is in building routes the app does not save what I enter in the list of switches and even adds ones that I didn't want in that particular route. I tried the deal where you never scroll up but that doesn't make any difference. 

  Adding scenes has the same issue nothing is saved the way you enter it. 

  I have a Galaxy 5 using  6.0.1 The last update on the phone was this month on the 14th. 


I am having this same issue on both my iphone and ipad.


MartyE posted:
Engineer-Joe posted:

He's pointing out what you now describe as a bug that will be fixed? Do you have inside info?

I doubt they'll leave it broke.

While these items are an annoyance they are to be expected to some degree.  The BETA testers do a very good job.  Some things slip through, some get inadvertently broken while fixing other issues.  The best course of action is to list suspected bugs, have others confirm it and then let MTH fix them. 

Well I would like to agree. I want to have control of these things in the lashups. The fact that the whole page is missing leaves me wondering?

So I'll ask again, are they blank on the I phone version?

I have experimented some more with the import function...  I have two android tablets and an iPhone 6 all with the Premium App.  

The initial attempt at getting my switch list imported worked on Android Device 1...  I used a Remote file that was available on the laptop I was using and I did not get my latest engine list transferred..  But the process worked following Barry's tip above....

I decided to repeat the process using my latest saved remote file which had the latest engine list I have...  I sent the file to my gmail address and then did an import using all three devices...  The App reported that the file had been successfully imported with all three devices...

However, on Android device #2 no switches were imported...  On the other Android device and the iPhone the switch list was imported...

Android device 1 is a Galaxy Tab S2 running Android version 6.0.1;  Android device 2 is a Galaxy Tab 4 running Android version 5.0.2; the iPhone is running iOS 10.3.1 

I have noticed that the import process is more straightforward with the iPhone and Android device 1...

I hope these observations will be useful in debugging the app... 




Last edited by JimQ

I installed the app on an ipad.  The MTH steam loco works fine.  My TMCC legacy lashup does not show up.   I could not 'read' the engines (I don't think that works with the remote for TMCC, either, but I'm not sure).  I added the engines manually again, then built a 4 engine TMCC legacy lashup.  Would not run.  Found the individual engines in the inactive list and the lashup missing.  I cannot bring the engines up to the active list.  At one point I was able to bring one or more up by touching and sliding the engine up to the active list, but no longer.  It looks like I will have to delete the engines, add them back (for the 3rd time), then try the lashup again.  In the meantime the lashup is also screwed up in the remote!

If it works (soon) as advertised, it will  be great.  Right now, though, I am regretting the $26 expenditure.

I have the middle version on an Android phone, but decided to throw away the $5 for that and put the premium version on the ipad due to the screen size.

On the good side, I really like the ability to rename the custom sounds!  I only wish I could play them in the edit screen before I rename them so I don't have to jump back and forth in and out of that screen to remember what sound I want to name what.

To move engines to active, you must first tap Edit. If DCS engines, they won't move if not powered, just as with the remote. TMCC/Legacy engines don't need to be powered since they can't be seen at all.

TMCC engines don't show up and don't with the remote, either. They always must be manually entered to be available.

If you built a lashup but couldn't find it in the engine roster, you didn't complete building it.

Last edited by Barry Broskowitz
MartyE posted:

Just curious if everyone having issues with Legacy engine has upgraded to DCS Version 6.0?


I have updated to 6.0 on the TIU and 1.1 on the WIFI unit.  Is it possible it is related to the TIU?  I only have one TIU and it's the old version (not Revision L).  In my case I can't get Legacy to work on my iphone or ipad, just TMCC. 


Lantom posted:
MartyE posted:

Just curious if everyone having issues with Legacy engine has upgraded to DCS Version 6.0?


I have updated to 6.0 on the TIU and 1.1 on the WIFI unit.  Is it possible it is related to the TIU?  I only have one TIU and it's the old version (not Revision L).  In my case I can't get Legacy to work on my iphone or ipad, just TMCC. 


I assume then you are using a serial "Y" cable so you can hook both the WIU and the Legacy base to the TIU?  Could that be an issue.  I'm just looking for a common point.

Also how are you connecting to the Legacy base?  Via the Base serial port or via a SER2?  Again I haven't been able to try the Legacy control yet but figured I'd ask some questions.

Last edited by MartyE

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