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You still haven't explained exactly what you're doing.

If you get the timeout when you refresh the app, try this:

  • Power up the layout ,including the TU and WIU.
  • Power up the DCS Engines that you plan to operate.
  • Make sure that the DCS App comes up to the Run My Trains screen when started up. If it comes up on any other screen, shut it down. On an iOS device, do this by double-tapping the home button and swiping up on the app.
  • Wait a few minutes until the WIU's LEDs are on steady, then wait a full minute more.
  • Run the app and tap on Run My Trains.
  • Tap Refresh. If you get an error or timeout, wait a minute and tap it again.
  • When refresh no longer times out, go to the engine list. Your powered engines should be in the active list. Tap on one to select it and go to the Engine Control Screen.
Barry Broskowitz posted:


There's a known bug in the Import function that sets all variable channels that were set to fixed in a remote to variable when that remote's clone file is imported. To make them fixed again, go to More.../Advanced Features/System Settings/TIU Settings.

Tried that. Didn't get Variable #2 back. May be related to operating in Super TIU mode. We're going to run some more tests and see if we can find a work-around.

My WIU has been sitting on the shelf waiting for the premium app to come out. I finally hooked it up. My wife has a nice ASUS Google Chrome tablet that she hardly ever uses so I purchased the Premium app and downloaded it to the ASUS. I also updated my remote and TIU to 6.0,  also updated the WIU. I hooked it all up and I'm having a blast with it. Question 1: I want to also get the app for my phone, will I have to pay another $24.95 (the tablet is registered with her Google account) ? Question 2: Could it be possible for the app to someday split the screen into 2, 3, or 4 screens each running a separate engine ?

Sorry to bother you Barry,

Everything was done just the way it was suppose to be done. The last step is... Import App Data. Bottom of page is two choices ........ Close   or    Import....   I choose import message..... import failed.

No Z4k tracks.   If I could do this myself I would, I knew you guys would be busy on wednesday and I didn't want any part of that. So I drove two hours to a very good MTH service shop he updated everything to 6.0 for me and cloned all my remotes. He was with me when I bought the APP and download it, he sent me the remotes clone and steered me through this. I paid to have this done so I wouldn't bother anybody wednesday then drove two hours home.

Believe me I don't want to be there, just seems like all the brains of the outfit in one place is a good thing.   I bought a USB flash drive 16GB I hope that is right. Other than a remote and the flash drive, should I bring anything else ?


Dave Zucal posted:

My WIU has been sitting on the shelf waiting for the premium app to come out. I finally hooked it up. My wife has a nice ASUS Google Chrome tablet that she hardly ever uses so I purchased the Premium app and downloaded it to the ASUS. I also updated my remote and TIU to 6.0,  also updated the WIU. I hooked it all up and I'm having a blast with it. Question 1: I want to also get the app for my phone, will I have to pay another $24.95 (the tablet is registered with her Google account) ? Question 2: Could it be possible for the app to someday split the screen into 2, 3, or 4 screens each running a separate engine ?

I can help answer Question #1, mobile apps in general are always connected (linked) to the specific account that purchased it; whether it be an Apple or Google account. With that said you can have multiple accounts on your tablets and phones ( I have 3 Gmail accounts on my phone - one personal and two for my IT business). You will need to add your wife's google account to your phone, and just disable the email, calendar, etc.... features. You should then be able to download the application without having to pay for it again.

trainroomgary posted:
RAK posted:

The Download from the MTH website appears to be down again.  Clicking on it (at least for me) yields only a blank page.

Hi RAK:  What brand of computer are using?  What is the operating system? also are you on Chrome, Fox or Safari.   Just to start with some basic informatio


Hi RAK - I have the process done. It is all about problem solving skills and sharing information.

MTH DCS Controller 6.00



Images (1)
  • MTH DCS Controller 6.00
David Minarik posted:

I played around with some TMCC and Legacy engines this morning.  The TMCC lashups all ran very well with no problems.

I could not get my Legacy engines to run under Legacy mode but they did run in TMCC mode.  I am using a Cab1L.  Might that be the problem?



The Base1L does not support full Legacy speed steps.  Also a SER2 must be used with a Legacy base to connect the TIU to get Legacy control. I would imagine that is the same with a Base 1L. But again the Base 1L isn't fully Legacy ready. More of a Legacy lite. 

About all you get for Legacy with  Base1L is quillable whistle and 99 trains  


Last edited by MartyE
MartyE posted:
David Minarik posted:

I played around with some TMCC and Legacy engines this morning.  The TMCC lashups all ran very well with no problems.

I could not get my Legacy engines to run under Legacy mode but they did run in TMCC mode.  I am using a Cab1L.  Might that be the problem?



The Base1L does not support full Legacy speed steps.  Also a SER2 must be used with a Legacy base to connect the TIU to get Legacy control. I would imagine that is the same with a Base 1L. But again the Base 1L isn't fully Legacy ready. More of a Legacy lite. 

About all you get for Legacy with  Base1L is quillable whistle and 99 trains  




I was just looking for the quilling whistle.  What is a SER2?


Is anybody else having trouble with the direction button on the Track screen when running conventional? When I press it, I lose control of the track and need to reset the TIU. Things work fine changing direction by dropping the throttle lever on the screen to zero, to cycle the e-unit.  Also, what does TZV do? 


I got the 50-1032 cable this afternoon, installed it and successfully ran my Legacy engines...  I also was able to control my switch machines from the App...

After a while, for some unknown reason, the App lost contact with the TIUs... I have 2 TIUs and operate in supermode...  I have yet to track down the reason for losing contact with the TIUs...  Restarting the App and cycling the power on the layout did not seem to help...   The WIFI units were still up and operating and my home LAN was still active...  Strange...  I was using the iPhone App and the battery was getting weak...  Don't know if that was a reason...  

I am still troubleshooting  this issue...

But the Legacy engine operation was great and I ran both individual Legacy engines and Legacy lashups...




Zephyr said: There is no speedometer for TMCC engines. Rather, it's a simulation of the TMCC "big red wheel".

Zephyr 1 with the engine you want to run selected you have to swipe to the engine setting page (the third page of the main 3) and there you will see a choices for Cab1, R100 or TMCC. I dont have the app on now so I'm not sure of the names but if your using Legacy you should be able to pick it out. Use TMCC to get 32 steps and R100 for 100 steps. The Cab1 gives you the red wheel like you said.

Update to my post of 4/20/2017

I solved my problem with Android Device 2.... I was using an email program that had access to my Gmail account the other day...  I tried again this afternoon with a new import file and this time I used the Gmail program on that device...  The process worked as advertised and my switch list was imported along with the engines...  So, for this issue, there appears to be nothing wrong with the App in this regard...  

I will be using the Gmail program to get the email from my gmail account on this device from now on to do WIFI DCS Imports...



Thank you for your offer of assistance sir.  I have been using Chrome.  My son had me try Windows Explorer this afternoon and it worked.

Thank you again.  I am sure I will have many more questions.

I just about have the old Super O layout re-wired for DCS, so this should get interesting very shortly (I used DCS on it briefly about 15 years ago, and it worked in passive mode, but I have expanded it, removed the original solid wire from the early 1960's, and run new 16 gauge wiring in a star pattern from the center out now, etc.).  


RAK posted:


Thank you for your offer of assistance sir.  I have been using Chrome.  My son had me try Windows Explorer this afternoon and it worked.

Thank you again.  I am sure I will have many more questions.

I just about have the old Super O layout re-wired for DCS, so this should get interesting very shortly (I used DCS on it briefly about 15 years ago, and it worked in passive mode, but I have expanded it, removed the original solid wire from the early 1960's, and run new 16 gauge wiring in a star pattern from the center out now, etc.).  


Your welcome - sounds like you have a fun layout, with classic trains, from the 60's •"Cool"


dk122trains posted:

Everything Lionel Legacy /TMCC runs great on the app,even MU's . after repeated attempts cant find anything dcs, updated wifi, using I pad, haven't tried my phone yet. everything runs fine on dcs remote at 6.0 sooooooo.

Well it's all working on my phone , but can't import data to my IPad it craps out when loading. And when adding a tmcc/legacy mu it works great  on the mth app but when I return to the legacy app for same identical setup it won't operate until I delete it from the mth app. Is this normal? Any one else experience this happening?

Last edited by dk122trains


You told me previously that you were able to import into your iPhone. If you're using the same file to import into your iPad, there's no reason why that should fail.

If a Legacy MU works on the app and then not with the Cab-2 it's most likely because you assigned the MU a different TR # in the app than in the Legacy Cab-2.  In this case, failure would be, indeed, normal.

Last edited by Barry Broskowitz
Barry Broskowitz posted:


You told me previously that you were able to import into your iPhone. If you're using the same file to import into your iPad, there's no reason why that should fail.

If a Legacy MU works on the app and then not with the Cab-2 it's most likely because you assigned the MU a different TR # in the app than in the Legacy Cab-2.  In this case, failure would be, indeed, normal.

Barry the phone is android not an I phone.

Hi guys.  Just been playing with the new app.  So far a lot of fun.  I'm having a problem with getting engines from inactive list to active.  What do I have to push touch slide I don't know.  They are on the track and powered up.  When I first added them ran in lashups as well.  Then when refreshed moves to inactive MTH and Lionel and I can't get them back to the active list.  I would appreciate any knowledge in this before I lose my hair.  Thanks guys.

Bryan posted:

Hi guys.  Just been playing with the new app.  So far a lot of fun.  I'm having a problem with getting engines from inactive list to active.  What do I have to push touch slide I don't know.  They are on the track and powered up.  When I first added them ran in lashups as well.  Then when refreshed moves to inactive MTH and Lionel and I can't get them back to the active list.  I would appreciate any knowledge in this before I lose my hair.  Thanks guys.


  I found the quickest way to bring them up is on the page with the loco list at the top right hit edit, then all the locos that are available will have the little arrow to the right of the name and by touching that arrow they are moved to the active list. If there is no arrow then the loco wasn't found but it seems to work fairly consistent for me. I hope that helps.


   Well after a week of  mostly enjoying but still getting frustrated with the new app. I was wondering if anybody has found a solution yet regarding creating routes and scenes. So far everything I've tried doesn't work and no matter how I try to enter my list of switches in a route the app just changes my selections and same for scenes.


RJR posted:

If your E-stop doesn't work all the time: 

 E-stop must be touched and held for ~1 second to activate.  This is by
 design to avoid nuisance E-stop tripping from grazing over the icon.

Is this the same for the Direction button? Did this come from some manual? Is there a manual to read about features like this?

RJR posted:

"...MTH hasn't yet made available a manual of all the features the new app contains and how to work them."

I wonder if MTH has plans to offer an online manual or they'll depend on Premium App users purchasing Barry Broskowitz's soon to be released book, The DCS WiFi Companion. I say this since MTH is involved with the book to the extent Barry stated in an OGR post, "...The draft of the book is with MTH's graphics artist for final formatting and layout. This includes all pictures, app screen shots and other images..." Maybe we'll learn at Wednesday's DCS User Group meeting whether MTH will offer an online manual for their Premium App.

I realize this thread is relegated to questions, but I wanted to thank all who are participating as all of this information is incredibly useful.

I got the two out of three TIU's and three out of four remotes updated to 6.00 this morning (the TIU and remote not yet upgrades are not accessible at this time).  The process went vary smoothly.

One of the TIU's is now installed on the layout and working on the outer loop.  So far all "10's" signal-wise.  The WiFi system is working with my Android phone and I was able to try the quillable/playable whistle on my PS-3 Berkshire for the first time.


Thank you all!



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