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I have an older MTH F-3 diesel with Protosound-1.  It has a BCR in it.  It has been running fine for years  but today when I fired it up I got the "usual" 2 bells and then the sound of the engine.  But I could not get it out of neutral.  So I am presuming I have somehow "locked" it in neutral.  I don't have an MTH Z-4000 transformer where I can "easily" re-program the engine.  The instruction book is confusing. 

It starts out "To unlock the engine from the Neutral position, follow the process to unlock the engine in the forward or reverse directions above."  So you go above to that section and it says "...while the engine is moving, press the whistle button.   While the whistle is blowing, turn the throttle off, and then let go of the whistle button.  After 3 seconds without power you will  hear one chime of the reset bell.  Turn on the power again - your engine is now in reset and will operate  normally  once you interrupt power and enter the forward direction."

What doesn't make sense to me is the start where they say "...while the engine is moving press the whistle button...."  I can't get the engine to move!  I would appreciate any tips or suggestions. 


Last edited by Rich Melvin
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Thanks for the 3 replies - I went back out and tried it - I'm "confused" by the instructions in the book for doing a "system reset" - the book says start out with 10 volts - I have but that is not quite enough to "energize" the BCR - tried with 12 volts as Jinis suggested and it doesn't seem to help - tried it with starting out with my "normal" 15 volts and it energizes the BCR - 2 bells as per normal - engine sounds - then no movement - still "stuck"  in neutral. 

I have an out of town friend who has a Z-4000 and so he is going to try messing with it for me - thanks for your suggestions.  My friend suggested the chip may be scrambled, but with a BCR in it it shouldn't ever scramble the chip and the engine has been running fine for years up until now. 

Thanks again for all your suggestions. 


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Last edited by Rich Melvin

Thanks Guy for the tip - tried it "multiple" times and no go - engine still stuck in neutral - (by the way, when you say "hold down on the whistle button and have it blowing..." the whistle (in this case horn) does not sound - but I did hold down on the button. I think I remember the only time "normally"  the horn or bell works is when the engine is moving.)

Last edited by Rich Melvin

BCR is no guarantee of not scrambling.  First, power up for 45 seconds and than turn power off. Does it play shutdown sounds?  If not, BCR is bad, or battery terminal/wire is bad, disconnected.

If sounds play, try manually moving through reset positions.  Turn Voltage up high, and back down to 10V and up.  If it stops after one ding, and you can not get it past reset position 1, the board most likely has an ID conflict.  It can be reset by a knowledgeable tech with correct chips.   I can do this.  G

GGG - I tried  your two suggestions.  Power up for 45 seconds then power off.  It seems normal =- two bell dings when I first power it up and engine idleing sounds - then I shut it down and it seemed normal - 1 bell ding and sounds faded off as per usual.  So I would guess the BCR is ok. 2nd suggestion:  Trying moving through reset positions.  Tried this - first time got airbrake whoosh and 1 clink (or clank) - but can't get "past" that first position. 

As per your diagnosis, my board may have an ID conflict.  At any rate, a friend of mine has a Z-4000 transformer - he is going to mess with it and we'll see what happens.  I can't find my "chart" of bells and clinks and clanks for each position.  If my friend and I mess with it - exactly "what" position are we trying to get to unlock it out of neutral?  I know it's a lot easier with a Z-4000 than trying to do it manually with counting clinks and clanks, etc.  But have never done this with a Z-4000.  At any rate, thanks for your tips - what is your e-mail or phone # please in case I need to ship this engine to you?  Thanks---

Last edited by Rich Melvin

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