Probably elementary questions but I received a new set of Lehigh Valley FA-2s (20-20057-1) today. Once the battery is charged I would like to see the wheels turn but a couple of questions are not addressed in the operator's manual. Since I would like to get them on the track today I thought I would ask the questions to the OGR experts instead of waiting for tomorrow to call MTH.
1. Can these units be run with out being lashed together (A-B-A)? The single primary A or AAs or AB? Automatic couplers are only on the pilots of both "A" units.
2. The primary A unit has sound and smoke controls but the box says there are two smoke units. I assume the other A unit has smoke which is controlled by the single smoke control rheostat in the primary A? No smoke for the "B" unit?
Thanks in advance for your inputs.