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I think this has come up before, but I searched key words and could find nothing.

If I recall correctly, when I got into the O gauge hobby, in the late 1990s, MTH had a layout in a trailer that they took to train shows and other promotions.

Surely some others on this Forum remember this layout.  It seems to me that it was owned (perhaps sold by MTH?) by an individual who had it stored it.

Am I, in my aging mind, imagining this?

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The Big Mo was a fantastic experience some 20+ years ago when I went through it. It was a great concept and track plan - trains appearing and disappearing; kind of like a train "fun house" with very well-done scenery and backgrounds. I think that design instilled in me the importance of building a layout where you cannot view more than a certain given area at one time. In the trailer case, the viewer had to walk down the aisle and then go around to the other side.

I remember the creator Harry Turner. I  arranged for him to bring  his display to Moscow PA for our local country fair some time around the turn of the century.   I don't believe it was called BIG MO  yet.  I seem to remember that it used mostly MTH equipment.  The Scranton Hobby Center helped to sponsor its visit here.  I believe that Harry came from somewhere in northwestern Pennsylvania.       

Big Mo was originally made to promote Lionel - Neil Young was frequently seen with it at York. I first saw it at the Greenberg show at Hofstra University - I think about 25 years ago. A neat promotional layout on wheels!

MTH took it over and, again, brought it back to York. If one looked carefully he would see several places where the Lionel name and logo were painted over. One example was on tunnel portals.

It dropped out of site shortly thereafter. Wonder where it is now, if it still exists


Your videos confirm my memory: Lionel was the original sponser of the traveling layout. I don't remember how long Lionel was involved. I do remember seeing it at the Allentown Fair one year, but by that time I think sponsorship had switched to MTH.

BTW, I think our own Rich Melvin is the narrator of the MTH video.



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