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Hello,  I recently (last week) purchased a "new" MTH D&RGW Heritage SD70ACe Diesel with Proto 3.0. I'm having a problem with the sound "cutting out".  It goes thru the "start-up" sequence ok...runs around the Layout 2-3 times....and then the sound "drops out"...No prime mover horn, no bell, no ditch lights etc. It continues to run...and will change direction and increase and decrease speed...but "no sound"...and then, sometimes the sound comes back. I don't have this problem with any other MTH Proto 2 Locomotive I operate.  If I shut it down, when I do the "start-up" has sound again....and then 2-3 laps sound..?? Any help is appreciated....I'm hoping it's something simple and I don't have to send it back....BTW...Do the Proto 3.0 Locos have "Batteries"...It almost seems like a dead battery....but I can't find anywhere in the operating instructions where it shows how to "charge" a battery...?  So, I'm assuming it doesn't have a battery...?   Thanks

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It sounds as if Clickity-Clack may be turned on. Turn it off by pressing:

Menu/Sound/Clickity-Clack and press the OFF soft key.


This and a whole lot more is all in "The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition", now available for purchase as an eBook or a printed book from MTH's web store site! Click on the link below to go to MTH's web page for the book!


Hello Barry,  Thanks for taking the time to respond to my query about the "drop out" of sounds on the Proto 3.0 D&RGW SD70ACe.  I'm not sure what my Son might have "turned on or off"  while testing the new 3.0 Diesel, but it must have been something. Shutting off the "clickety-clack" didn't restore the diesel sounds but doing a "Re-Set" on the DCS Remote "did" restore the Diesel to it's original "default".??  At any rate doing the "reset" corrected the problem.  Thank you for putting me on the right path. The Diesel seems to be working fine now.

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