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The power rating of a driver has little to do with its volume output. Its the sensitivity rating that tells you how loud it is for a given power in. Usually db per 1 watt in. The higher number the better. Power rating just tells you how much power the voice coil can handle before being damaged. Given Lionel and MTH power amps only output 1 -1 1/2 watts there is no point in putting a 5w speaker in place of the existing one.


Last edited by Norton

I tried the speaker replacement in that J I have, no difference. Volume is decent to begin with, but the volume didn't change much. On the other hand my T1 duplex however from the factory is extremely loud, bassy, and powerful. No need to change the speaker in it.

Ah cool. Yeah, that T1 I think was hands down the best sounding PS/1 engine. So you tried a 4 ohm in the J? 

The amplifier on the board is rated for an 8 ohm speaker, a 4 ohm speaker will be louder, and likely with more distortion.  It'll also draw more power and likely shorten the life of the amplifier chip.

If you want more volume, use more efficient speakers.

What would be the best speaker to use in a PS/1 engine to give you the best sound quality? I'd guess a great quality speaker with an enclosure would make the thing sound like no bodys business! 

If you really want good sound, consider two 16 ohm in parallel or two 4 ohm speakers in series.  As for which speaker, I just go shopping when I need a speaker and read the specs.  Frequently the size dictates what I can use.  Also, the enclosure is all important, it can make a poor speaker sound better than a good speaker without the enclosure.

Picking speakers is somewhat hit or miss, you just have to look around and sample until you find something that works for you.

If you really want good sound, consider two 16 ohm in parallel or two 4 ohm speakers in series.  As for which speaker, I just go shopping when I need a speaker and read the specs.  Frequently the size dictates what I can use.  Also, the enclosure is all important, it can make a poor speaker sound better than a good speaker without the enclosure.

Picking speakers is somewhat hit or miss, you just have to look around and sample until you find something that works for you.

Cool. I'll have to shop around and see what I find. What's the typical size of the speaker used in the steam and diesel engines of this time period? 

A lot can be done to improve PS1 speakers. MTH usually used a pretty thin "cracker" speaker that provided very little to no low frequency sound response.  A full range speaker with a little more depth that allows the speaker cone more movement goes a long way in improving sounds.

Adding a speaker baffle if the space allows it also goes a long way in improving sound. Lately I've been using SOLO 2 oz. shot cups as they fit nicely over a 2" speaker.

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