Thank you AMC Dave. I agree it is a lot of fun even if not scale.
Barry B: I should have been clearer on exactly what I meant by "running on DC.". Yes, my Galloping Goose will run on 3-rail DC: with on one-leg of the DC fed to the center rail and the other to the outer rails. But my other PS3 locos have a switch underneath so they will run on two-rail DC. I was hoping this puppy might do that, but I can't find the switch and I don't think it's there.
Anyway, it will run - move under its own power - on three-rail DC, and the sound will work if I do one work-around (see text below), but the e-unit functionality (F-N-R cycling) does not work.
The sound will not function unless I fire it up initially at full throttle - about 16-18 V. If I fire it up at 10 V, there is no sound but after about ten seconds it ambles off in one direction or the other depending on polarity of the DC.
When initially fired up at 16-18 V, after the sound starts it will immediately jackrabbit off so fast it will de-rail on the first curve it hits, but I can then reduce voltage to around 1/2 throttle just as the sound starts and about two seconds later if starts out as in the video below. It I reduce voltage to about 8 V the sound will stay on but it will stop moving and then I can increase voltage to about 10 V and it will start off nicely again. I can use a direction button or cut and return power to try to toggle the e-unit but it has no effect. I cannot get e-unit functionality to work. Here is is running on my 'Streets country road, which is 3-rail DC, powered by a CW-80 feeding through a 10A full wave rectifier. I also tested it with a TechIII DC supply and get the same results. To vary direction, I have to reverse polarity (the switch you see me throwing in the video below).