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I recently joined the MTH Railroaders Club and recieved a flyer with the first catalog that stated there is a members only club section on the MTH web site. I looked high and low and couldn't find it or any other place I could sign on with my membership number. Did I miss it or does it not exist? Do I need to create an account?

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A long time ago, they actually had a very small scale forum where you could post questions.  I have no idea if it still exists.  (Ironically for me, that is what led me to this forum in 2002 when I was looking for information on how to make an interconnect cable for a TIU to a TMCC base)

They also used to provide a web-based email address ( with club membership, but the service that  they used to use is long since no longer supporting old accounts created for it.  (I seem to recall it went to a pay service quite a while (maybe 5-6 years?) back - IIRC correctly it was hosted on "" or something close to that.)

The point (for me, unless I am corrected and told what I am doing wrong), is these particular old perks may just never have been removed from the literature.  I haven't worried about it enough to bug MTH about it repeatedly.


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