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I can start the update and it never finishes. It always errors out before it completes and tells me to please wait. Then I get the message "Logged as Error in CONFIRM_PROGRAM_STATE Confirming data sent to TIU on COM4 WAIT 1

This is an older TIU. I'm not sure what version it currently has but the remote shows 3.10. When I try to reset the TIU back to factory settings it tells me OUT OF RF RANGE even though i am no more than 2' away.  Can someone please help?

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I've been down this road before.

Question: If you just try to power it up without any cables other than power, how many blinks do you get on the internal LED?  I just had a Rev. G one that I tried to update from 2.xx, and it turns out it has a memory problem and was blinking a random number of blinks for the TIU #.  That's a memory issue and pretty much non-repairable.

When I power it on by itself the light comes on but no blinks.  When I tether the remote to the TIU i receive a TIU error when trying to reset it or obtain the TIU version. As for the version it does not have a version sticker on the bottom of the TIU. It has the Proto2Sound logo on the top and not the DCS logo.

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