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While MTH hasn't and won't release a catalog for 2021 (paper or digital), they do have a new catalog resource on their website that documents in a list view all of the new "uncatalogued" final runs for 2021.

It can be found here:

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Pretty lame with just model numbers, it would be nice to at least have a one-liner so you didn't have to link to each one to see what it is!

the whole second half of the list is just the 2 rail and then the high rail versions of the BNSF heritage engines

Last edited by Engineer-Joe

Pretty lame with just model numbers, it would be nice to at least have a one-liner so you didn't have to link to each one to see what it is!

MTH actually publishes this list for each catalog on their website. I don't think they intend for regular web users to find this list perhaps it's used to generate SEO for web searches or used as a lookup source for the "product locator". I stumbled upon it while scraping the entire website for offline use. For example, here is the link to the same list for the 2020 V2 catalog:

None the less, it is a comprehensive list for all scales of everything being built for 2021. They do add to it as new thing have been announced.

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