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Have a 20-3550-1 MTH H-9 that will not start up in conventional, sometimes it runs in conventional but with no sounds.  While in neutral, in conventional, it will not take a Factory reset.  In DCS it starts up and will run, lights work, coupler fires but no sounds until I do a feature reset.  Even tried a factory reset after the feature reset.    Shut the engine down and wait about 5 minutes and start up again in DCS.  The boards will not hold a feature reset.  Have to redo the feature reset to get the sounds.  The volume control is set at max, even changed the 4 ohm speaker, same result.

This locomotive belongs to the Hagerstown Roundhouse Museum and is run in conventional.  Same results when I put the boards on my PS3 Test Assembly.  Have to do a feature reset to get the sounds, again - the boards will not retain the reset. 

I guess this post is for either GGG or John Will.  Would like to get it running in conventional without replacing the boards ($$$)

Would reload the software if that would help?




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I had a similar issue with a ps 32 board from a kit would not run in conventional but DCS worked fine. did you try resending the flash codes to the board from loader program, I also had the same engine not take a reset factory in conventional , but I was able to get a factory reset in dcs mode and board then took off and is still working!

P.S. I would also try reflashing the flash files to the board. if after you try all these things I would send the board back to mth and let them reload the original memory files that only they can do that , possibly might fix it if all else fails!

Last edited by Alan Mancus

If super cap bad my experience is the engine starts up immediately.  I would make sure all connections are good and make sure no caps or components have fallen off the tender board.  I would reload flash code followed by sound file to see if that corrects issue.

No special memory files for PS-3.  They can certainly load the flash and SF with special test fixture if the file corruptions locks the board up for DCS program loads, but it you can access it via DCS and if it links with loader, no need to send back to MTH unless under warranty.  G

Thanks for the supercap info, John.  George - starting up in DCS with 18 VAC on the Z-4000, it shows a small current of between 0.4 an 0.6 A. , no sounds.  Pushing the sound button on the remote, and verifying the sound is on does not produce sounds.  Have to do a feature reset to get sounds.  Upon turning off track power, the shut down sounds are present.  Any restart in DCS - no sounds.  Starting up in conventional does not produce sounds.  It runs, forward, reverse, no whistle or bell, no sounds.  While in neutral -I  do a factory reset (1 whistle, 5 bells) no confirmation code, no sounds.  I suspect the supercaps are fair to weak - not ok.  Once while in DCS, feature reset, run awhile and DCS shutdown, it starts back up with sounds.  If I wait 1 hour and try and restart in DCS - no sounds.  This leads me to believe there is a problem with the supercaps, not total failure, but weak.  Will order the supercaps and replace, then let you know what I find.


thanks, John, George



The sounds are not working because the engine is not saving the setting when shutting down, once you changer the super cap and after you do a factory n feature reset all should work fine from that point on. you should also check the power off and see 5 to 7 seconds sound on before shutting down Bruce! same as ps 2 3 volt or five volt boards all settings are saved on shutdown as long as there is enough power left to complete shutdown cycle and saved!


Update 10/04    Installed both supercaps, made sure mounting holes on board were open so I get a through board attachment of both leads on each super cap.  Checked solder joints after installation. Powered up in DCS, no sounds.  Did a feature reset, sounds came up.  Test ran on test track in DCS, all functions worked after the 'feature reset'.  Turned off track power, as GGG suggested, and shut down sounds were there.  Restarted in DCS, sounds were there on startup.  Tested again in DCS.  Shut down DCS using the shut down button on remote.  Restarted in conventional.  Sounds  not there.  Finished the day testing in DCS mode.   Fast  Forward 24 hrs.  Placed locomotive on my layout and started up in DCS mode - sounds were present.  Ran for approximately 30 minutes - normal, no adverse currents present.  Normal DCS shut down, then ran in conventional - NO sounds - drat!!!!  Looks like something in the tender board is not routing sounds to ON position in conventional start up.  That does it - this locomotive is not suitable for Museum operation.  Thanks for the help.


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