I bought a used Z-4000 transformer about 6 months ago. It worked fine. Recently the left side ("track 1") stopped working. No voltage appears on the display on the left side and no voltage is found in the terminals. The other track is fine as are the two fixed voltage terminals. I never had one of these before so am looking for some advice. The fuses on the outside of the case seem to be in place. The overload light is not going on. I had some issues previously with the fuse blowing because of track problems but I just reset the fuses and it worked again. Now, nothing. John Reuther NJ
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John Reuther,
1st unplug the Z4K from both the wall and the layout, then make darn sure the breakers are back in place in a secure manner. Then plug your Z4K back into the wall and see if all the operation lights on your transformer regenerate when the handles are lifted, if not the transformer needs major repairs.
Thanks Dave - further question - how do you make sure the breakers are "in place?" The operation lights work on both sides but the left side does not read any voltage.
When you push the breaker in you should feel it reinsert, if it doesn't you have a problem, the breaker might have gone bad and will need to be replaced. You will have to send the Z4K in for repairs. If this is the case maybe GGG can repair it for you. Don't know if he works on transformers or not.
Dave - I will look at that breaker situation later today. I do have a train shop within my distance in PA that repairs trains and transformers. Then I can find out what may have happened here. So thanks again! I agree with your signature - Psalm 1!
John, you may need a control board. I have had two Z4K given to me with that issue and both needed the control board. It always seems to be the side you have an issue with. I have one here with the same issue belonging to a friend. I put in for a board long ago. Look at what Dave is talking about the breaker also.
Marty are any parts available for the Z4000 mth transformer serial number 080638851. on power up reads 01 24
Yes. Your part number if you need the board is AD-5100001. I have had an order in for one going on 2 months. The order site states available. I have no answer. Alan, your 01-24 is a later transformer.
thanks Marty is that the main microprocessor control board?
have not heard from you in a while , so what have you been up too? hope your enjoying your summer!
Your friend always Alan
MTH will need to know what serial # to get the correct board. They were different for the very early ones.
Last one I did was the power board AD-5100003. G
George the serial number was at the beginning of this thread!serial number 080638851
Part number is the same but they fill it with the correct part based on providing the serial number.
For a tech, you send an e-mail with the serial #. I included it in the customer name section as a back up.
Getting these parts is best done via phone/e-mail.
A call to the tech to help isolate which board. It can be either and once you buy the board it is yours. So figuring out which is needed can be the hardest part.
Also this requires a turn in, so you won't be able to order it. Requires an ASC. G
I got to tell ya, if the Z4K you own was mine, I would send it to GGG or Marty for repairs. Let them deal with interface and technical stuff, they know what they are doing and the turn around will be a lot quicker in that manner. I have been real fortunate thru the years and my Z4K's have had no real problems. This is the 2nd time now I have heard about the board problem however. I was hoping it was the breakers not resetting all the way, but from your description it sounds like Marty's analysis is probably correct. Definitely a bummer.
George is your man.
Would I have to ship the transformer to him or do I just get the board and put it in Myself? I will be checking with a repair place in PA tomorrow fairily close to me 25 miles. But I don't know yet if they can handle this or how long it will take. Do you happen to know what the price of the board itself is?
The MSRP is $120.00. You can work it out with George. His email is in his profile.
Ok guys - It looks like I need to ship this Z-4000 off for repair. Can I get a contact for GGG so I can talk to him about how to go about this?
Click on his profile and there's an email address there: Profile for Member GGG
Ok. Thank you all. I wrote to George.