Recently on the 3-rail Forum there were some photos, taken at the end of November at a model expo in Paris, of the painted prototypes of the forthcoming MTH French "OCEM" passenger cars. Based on these photos, they look great -- but I did say that I thought the color of the postal car looked wrong, a sort of "rose" color [ to quote a poster on a French forum ] rather than the "brown" that I think of. So that led me to a search for just what the color(s) should be, and that brought home all the variables we see in what may -- or may not -- be "the correct color". For example, with color slide film seen on the internet we have:
- the type of film, the particular exposure, the illumination of the subject, the aging of of the film, etc
- the translation of the slide to a digital image in a scanner; even 'the same model' scanner might give differing results
- how our color monitors are set
- and how our eyeballs are calibrated
There will be similar variables for 'all digital' photos, too -- MTH's "Facebook camera" portrays many reds as orange, at least to myself and some other viewers.
Bear all that in mind with the following photos:
A. Kodachrome II, sunlit, 1966; a 20 meter RPO converted to storage mail
B. Kodachrome II, sunlit, 1966; a 10 m RPO
C. Kodachrome II, sunlit, 1973; a 17 m storage mail
D. Agfa CT18, overcast and through a train window, 1973; a 20 m RPO
E. Fujichrome 100, light sun, 1988; a 26.4 storage mail
F. Fujichrome 100, backlit, 1988; another 26.4
To me, 'C' is the most interesting slide; note how the cleaned sides are brown, but the roof portion seems to have weathered to a "Bordeaux red" -- OR the roof is the original shade and cleaning [ soap, etc ] have transformed the sides to brown ! "Enc. Voitures SNCF" refers to the color of all of these vehicles as "bordeaux fonce", but the official description of the color is "PTT Brune" ! Of course, for the 'same color', the composition of the paint and its application undoubtedly changed over a 40 year span as well, to add yet another variable. I'm still wondering about the roof color, but I don't think it was ever all over grey as in the MTH model. I've presumed the doors are black because MTH just didn't paint them, but I could be wrong. And of course all my comments refer to the 1960's MTH set, not the earlier two.
I hope some other forum members can dig through some old color photos to add to this essay.
Best regards, SZ