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Originally Posted by Rusty Traque:
Anyone coming in from 2-rail O, HO or N will be interested in DC or DCC.  Folks coming in from 3-rail O will bring their AC conventional, TMCC/Legacy or DCS biases with them.  It'll be the newbie that'll be confused.  They will likely go with whatever is in their first set until they broaden their horizons to the other manufacturers.


Regardless, right now we're in a waiting loop. Until we see what Lionel is going to entice us with next and what MTH actually announces, we woun't be able to get a feel for how this whole thing's going to shake out.



This is as I see it, too. Portions of the S gauge community will be bringing their hi-rail/scale and TMCC/DCC preferences to the party, as well. In the meantime, no one should feel bad about the situation. The N.A.S.G. and many a local S gauge club continue to struggle at times with the bipolar (or even multi-polar) nature of the "S" hobby, but much ground in common is and should be attainable.



Last edited by Bob Bubeck
Originally Posted by Bob Bubeck:
Originally Posted by Rusty Traque:
Anyone coming in from 2-rail O, HO or N will be interested in DC or DCC.  Folks coming in from 3-rail O will bring their AC conventional, TMCC/Legacy or DCS biases with them.  It'll be the newbie that'll be confused.  They will likely go with whatever is in their first set until they broaden their horizons to the other manufacturers.


Regardless, right now we're in a waiting loop. Until we see what Lionel is going to entice us with next and what MTH actually announces, we woun't be able to get a feel for how this whole thing's going to shake out.



This is as I see it, too. Portions of the S gauge community will be bringing their hi-rail/scale and TMCC/DCC preferences to the party, as well. In the meantime, no one should feel bad about the situation. The N.A.S.G. and many a local S gauge club continue to struggle at times with the bipolar (or even multi-polar) nature of the "S" hobby, but much ground in common should be attainable in the long term.



Sounds like MTH or Lionel needs to do a Milwaukee Road Bipolar in S, then!


Seriouly, I've been dealing with the multi-faceted (sounds much better than bipolar, doesn't it?) aspect of S for at least 3/4 of the time I've been in S.  I started out as a scale only guy, with no interest in Flyer whatsoever.


I started picking up Flyer (both Gilbert and Lionel) and HiRail to run with my modular group in order to show the options available to the public.  To no surprise, I got sucked in to both. 


Not that I mind, it's helped me to minimize tunnel vision about S and maintain a broad outlook about the scale/gauge.



Originally Posted by Rusty Traque:

This is as I see it, too. Portions of the S gauge community will be bringing their hi-rail/scale and TMCC/DCC preferences to the party, as well. In the meantime, no one should feel bad about the situation. The N.A.S.G. and many a local S gauge club continue to struggle at times with the bipolar (or even multi-polar) nature of the "S" hobby, but much ground in common should be attainable in the long term.



Sounds like MTH or Lionel needs to do a Milwaukee Road Bipolar in S, then!



I would really like to struggle with a bi-polar like this one:



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