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Hi All,

I have just purchased my first MTH diesel.  It is 2-rail with PS 3.0 and a fixed pilot.  It looks great but I have some questions, if you please.

What size screws go in the holes used to attach the KD couplers?

Should I follow the directions in the MTH manual or the directions in my NCE manual to change the speed chart and to consist this loco with another?



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The screws are 2mmx8mm. The screws for the Kadees are (usually) included in the package with the snow plow. If it's a 4-axle diesel, the Kadee 805's/740's will work unmodified. For a six-axle diesel, shave about 1/8" off the back of the box and the hi-rail coupler mount on the truck will clear the box.


Can't speak as to DCC, but I'd follow the MTH manual for DCC progamming. I'm sure one of my colleagues here will chime in.

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