Yes. K5 Pacific. Yes. Where do I sign up?

H10 Mike - yes; again - where do I sign up...? I'd prefer the K-5, though.
"Late J3a" - they must do. I have Lionel's J3a (2 - I removed the fantasy front class/tender marker lights from the first issue version; patched the holes). A perfect model? No - but it somehow captures the "J3 look" so, so well. I like them a lot - but Lionel needs to produce the version that reflects the changes ("upgrades") to the J3 - Worthington FWH; power reverse under the running board; raised air reservoir and non-straight running board; PT tenders were applied to all J3a's (some were "de-applied" later for some routes). This would be new (modified) tooling and not just a case of mere "electronics modeling". And fix that tender/cab gap.
Legacy Niagara - well, a good Lionel Niagara offering is a given, a must. I have the original; a lemon (though I think the detailing is fine and I wonder about that "too small" statement above) - though the gears seem OK. So far. Funny - I also bought a (used) MTH Niagara a few years ago, and it's an electronics lemon. (ERR is on the way, I guess).
My only "good" Niagaras are the Samhongsa/Williams versions. I have one with ERR and sound - and it does everything better that the L and M versions - especially when it comes to tracking - sprung drivers, and the PT tender is more sure-footed. It needs a bit of detail (on the list), but not much - the real Niagara was almost streamstyled-looking. I'll consider a Legacy Niagara, but it may be coming too late for me. The brass ones are just fine for me - Dullcote, paint the wheels/rods, weathering, a little detail, ERR...there you go.