I only saw one problem with those videos...They were too short! What an amazing layout!
Try watching this video starting at the 11 minute mark for more of his layout. If fact, do yourself a favor and watch the whole video for some great videos of several O Scale layouts.
Thanks Steve...I will watch it. I think I miss my HO 2 rail days sometimes...I am sure this video will make me more confused. haha
Amazing is the only word I have. I saw your layout in that 'other' O scale magazine and bought the copy just for that article.
Truly impressive work.
I am curious, is the bridge scene the only 'finished' portion of the layout? Not knocking anything, just curious as it's the only thing I've ever seen of it.
Hi Lee,
I'm not knocked in the least. The 2 links below go to some threads which might show more of the layout from about 2 years ago. The scenery mostly are THE scenes around the railroad. They mostly are of the around the walls part of the layout. I hope they work.
Recently I've been working on filling in the center lobe on the layout with mountains which will have roads and a mine and a few other buildings. I should have some more shots in the next 2 months or so.
Thanks for looking.