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Bill Nielsen posted:

In the photo, the third rail looks a lot lower in height than the other two rails, which leads me to believe it must be a guard rail.

Yes, that is a guard rail. Note that there are no tie plates under that rail, as it is simply spiked down directly on the ties.

What is the structure just to the right of the track in question?

Looks like an insulation wrapped yard steam line. Thus the guard rail to help protect it.

Bill in FtL


Last edited by Hot Water

The CNJ did not have narrow gauge operations although some of the predecessor roads in the mid 1850's may have.  The closest thing to CNJ on narrow gauge to best of my knowledge is the former CNJ equipment put on narrow gauge trucks at Allaire State Park in central Jersey.  The park salvaged the narrow gauge track from some sandpit operations that were not CNJ controlled.

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