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The National Capital Trackers will have a NEW event on Saturday, May 7.

We will be at the Gaithersburg, MD community museum, housed in the restored B&O Station. We will be running trains on Saturday May 7 from 10am - 8pm. During the day, we'll be running for the museum's "Train Day" and the evening the city will have a Cinco De Mayo street fair and 5K Race based out of the museum and station.

The museum address is 9 S. Summit Ave, Gaithersburg, MD 20877.

The city has a wonderful museum in the restored 1884 B&O Freight House. The 1884 Station is still in use and also has a small coffee shop.

The museum also has the #14 steam locomotive, a 1918 2-8-0, a restored C&O Caboose, and restored B&O Budd RDC Car.

Please come out and see us. Mark your calendars for a fun day. We will have out layout on the patio, Weather permitting, between the B&O Budd Car and CSX Metropolitan Branch - expect about 40-50 trains each day running just 25 feet from our layout!



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Last edited by SJC
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