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Many of you followed VaGolfer195 as he went through the looooong process of getting the rights to have Natty Boh's cars made and the monstrous amount of effort he put into the project getting them made and delivered. Odds of them ever being made in tinplate are nonexistent, so with a Google search for Natty Boh images, here is mine. Everything is done, just waiting for the silver doors to dry in this cool (for CA) weather. I'll add a final picture when they are installed.

Next custom beer car will be Landshark, then Red Trolley. Will need to find a few more interesting labels to do other types and some more cheap McCoy cars.




Natty Boh 1

Natty Boh 2

Natty Boh 3 [1)

Natty Boh 1

Natty Boh 2

Natty Boh 3 [1)


Natty Boh 4

Natty Boh 5


Images (5)
  • Natty Boh 1
  • Natty Boh 2
  • Natty Boh 3 (1)
  • Natty Boh 4
  • Natty Boh 5
Last edited by Steve "Papa" Eastman
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

What you need is a can of "Olde Frothingslosh Pale Stale Ale" whose slogan was "The Pale Stale Ale with the foam on the bottom."


Here are two cans:


Sir Reggie <$T2eC16RHJGYE9nooh7zIBSVb)7R+eQ~~60_57.JPG>


and Miss Frothingslosh Fatima Yechburgh <$_57.JPG>


Ron M

Originally Posted by ron m:

What you need is a can of "Olde Frothingslosh Pale Stale Ale" whose slogan was "The Pale Stale Ale with the foam on the bottom."


Here are two cans:


Sir Reggie <$T2eC16RHJGYE9nooh7zIBSVb)7R+eQ~~60_57.JPG>


and Miss Frothingslosh Fatima Yechburgh <$_57.JPG>


Ron M

Dang, Ron, now you have my rememberer thingy over-heating again.  Many years ago someone (Ye Olde Huff N' Puff?) made wood and cardboard HO kits of freight cars.  Had to provide your own trucks and couplers glue and brads and a few wood screws.


One of their cars was an Old Frothingsloshreefer, IIRC.

Jim & Debbie Flynn did a few beer cars including Olde Frothinslosh when they were putting out Marx. I could enlarge the graphics for std gauge.
Originally Posted by ron m:

What you need is a can of "Olde Frothingslosh Pale Stale Ale" whose slogan was "The Pale Stale Ale with the foam on the bottom."


Here are two cans:


Sir Reggie <$T2eC16RHJGYE9nooh7zIBSVb)7R+eQ~~60_57.JPG>


and Miss Frothingslosh Fatima Yechburgh <$_57.JPG>


Ron M


73413 Olde Frothingslosh Beer Reefer


Images (1)
  • 73413 Olde Frothingslosh Beer Reefer
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