I have a 321 Trestle bridge in my collection that is a little different than the "common" one. Although it is a Lionel 321 by size, and looks and has inividual mold marking numbers on individual pieces, like "00 0321 005 etc, it does not have any Lionel name or Logo on it or over all part number. Secondly it is brown, not grey as all the reference book say it should be. The brown is mulded in, not painted. and it has severaL assembly techniques that differ from the normal 321. Namley, the two top, pieces only snap in place with out screws, and the side pieces are screwed to the base with 4 counter sunk screws (2 on each side) I also see that the 321 listed in Greenberg's repair and maintenance bood, has 2 U braces, supporting the sides. Mine does not have those? The only clue I can find that their are more than one version of the 321 is in Greenberg's price guide where they also call out a 321-100? I can't find any referance in several books?Can any one tell me the difference or what I seem to have?