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I finally was able to run my weaver pocono and mth trainmaster on the black diamond club layout.


1. 11 golden gate cars was way to heavy for the pocono, need to add weight & bullfrog snot to some drivers. has anyone added weight to the weaver brass pocono yet. the pocono could only pull 4 golden gate cars as is.


2. the couplers on my mth trainmaster are very low, how would one of you raise the coupler height on this engine. (would it help if I turned the coupler box upside down) the trainmaster might of pulled all 11 golden gate cars, but the coupler was low on the engine end & high on the golden gate car. I don't have a coupler height gauge yet, so I have to wing it for now.

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Before adding weight to a brass steam locomotive for added traction I first check to see if the leading and trailing trucks are inadvertantly "unweighting" the drivers.  This can be due to verticle clearance issues or overly tight springing. One test is with the locomotive on the rails you should be able to lift the leading and trailing truck wheels off the rail head without the drivers losing contact with the rails.  If the springs are too strong usually you can reduce the strength by cutting them a little shorter, or by relpacing them with a softer one.  Clearance issues need to be addressed on a case by case basis - sometimes with some careful grinding with a Dremel tool in areas that won't show.


If springing is not the issue, then adding weight is the solution.  I  add weight one of two ways.  Either by sliding pieces of lead around the existing weight, or casting a replacement larger one. For good tracking the center of mass should be approximately over the center of the driver wheelbase.  


Ed Rappe

Last edited by Keystoned Ed
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