Hello All,
I am new to the hobby and have built two 4x8 tables that I can configure in different ways in a limited space (room is about 16x12). I have enough material to build an extra 2x8 table to get a bit of a wider area for some larger curve diameters. In the attached SCARM file I have laid down what I, newbie, think is an interesting shape. It is in essence a 6x8 horizontal table with an vertical 4x8 forming somewhat of an L with a connecting triangle. At a 12 foot width, I have about 2 feet on either side of the table for access between table and walls. Is this going to be a difficult shape to create a layout for? should I stick with a simple 8x8 or other shape?
My goal is to have a versatile space in which layouts can be modified as I grow into hobby. For the time being, having 2-3 trains running simultaneously and having segments of the fastrack be on a second level as well as being able to run in both directions are important to me.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.