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20200719_165513I got a new E unit. It has a yellow wire blue wire and green wire that need to be soldered somewhere. Old one I believe two yellows went to brushes. There is a black wire coming off of the field coil and the pickup shoe on the locomotive  frame. I dont have the original e unit to compare. I think it is a 2 position unit because it seems to be locked or unlocked. I'm using it in an old 1666 postwar locomotive.

As always thanks for any information in advance.


Images (1)
  • 20200719_165513: New e unit reverser
Last edited by Oldegreybeard
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An Amber Alert just crashed my phone. 1st alert caused fits, 2cnd even more. It took 3 reboots to shake it. Don't trust wire colors as a rule or it will burn you eventually. Use position to position color verification first if you really need to use colors to wire stuff. Im not sure they made a 2pos drum unit. It could be done easy enough, I just can't recall if it was done. Most 2pos. are a switch moved by coil and a mechanical stop that forces a rod into the open side of a tetter totter mech. (yea, phone is messed up, zoom all over the place, small composing box, etc)

Thank you for the diagram Adriatic.

I wired it like the upper right following the wires from the legs to the connections.

Mist have other issues. Motor turns a little and stops. Motor hums and field coil starts getting really warm. Armature commutator has been cleaned. Brushes look good. Wheels turn freely to the point when I spin the wheels and let go they spin about another revolution on their on.

Meanwhile I keep looking at it.




@TrainLarry posted:

Wire the motor without the 'E' unit to insure the motor is working properly. Swap the connections at the brushes to reverse the motor direction. The motor should run properly. If it does, the problem is your 'E' unit or wiring. If the motor does not run, the motor is at fault.




          Motor wiring, no E-Unit [Alco 200 manual)

Thanks Larry. Motor runs fine. I must have the e unit wired incorrectly.

The black wire is actually connected to the coil in the reverser. There is a little hooked tab connected to the coil where it joins the black wire, so Im guessing that I'll need to solder the power wire to that tab? Is that correct?

The tab on the side it is where the eunit  coil is connected to center rail power.  It is not uncommon to also find the headlight and smoke unit connected there.   The black wire is the power to the motor, so by connecting it there everything on the loco is using that tab as the power terminal. The black and green wires are interchangeable.  Power goes in one side of the eunit  from the center rail and then goes out the other side to the motor field coil.  The middle two wires, originally the two yellow wires, but changed to yellow and blue with the introduction of two motor locos, go to the brushes. The drum routes the incoming power to the brushes and back out the other side. Rotation of the eunit drum reverses the brush connections, reversing the motor, with an intermediate off position. It was so clever and simple that Lionel bought Ives to get the eunit design.  We must be coming up on the 100 birthday of the eunit soon.  

I hadn't looked at the picture until now and only once, not again. The small attachments seldom work and usually takes too long to load via the viewer here when it does. Blowing up an image download just gives you another low res. thumbnail that doesn't focus when zoomed.

The cloth wires aren't mentioned nor followable in the shot by me. It looks to me like the lower cloth heads at the lower single wire board with the yellow wire. Some of those boards have 4wire pads too (only one is normally used)

I don't have colors, just cloth wire pretty much everwhere and on everything.

On mine, there is a single lower wire also snaked through the frame that goes to the lower board. Ie. my yellow equal gets fished through that little gap where your cloth wire is. No other wires near there.  Your two wires there has me confused.... maybe.

I.e. I can't get a visual grip on this without seeing more or mention of where they go or went, etc. It appears to me there are two wires on the lower board. I want to be wrong, but I need confirmation before it's going to click for me. I need to see every wire, and up close, or full detail written in one post. Another pic of another side/angle? 

 (you can edit that 1st pic to be large, scroll way down to the pic box in edit, you'll see insert attach. tool in blue in the pic box, your choices here are sm,med,large* ( normally, after "success" while loading, before you hit finish, another small line appears mid box, with a check box to insert image large into text. But you can wait and choose sm/med/large there too, usful for some shots, and not exclusive to editing.   I can't do the image address copy/paste or would have. That option died a few days ago. (it all gets fixed eventually, google code is just unstable from constant change and experimenting with far to many useless half finished features rushed out in search of the next fad. I hate it, but for the price here I am. I need a phone anyhow


Adriatic, the two cloth black wires are not connected to the eunit. I would guess they are headlight and collector assembly that need to be connected to the hot terminal on the fiber terminal board on the eunit.  The eunit had one yellow wire on the lower board and three wires in the upper board, green, blue, black, left to right. It should be a straight reconnection. 

@Adriatic posted:

I hadn't looked at the picture until now and only once, not again. The small attachments seldom work and usually takes too long to load via the viewer here when it does. Blowing up an image download just gives you another low res. thumbnail that doesn't focus when zoomed.

The cloth wires aren't mentioned nor followable in the shot by me. It looks to me like the lower cloth heads at the lower single wire board with the yellow wire. Some of those boards have 4wire pads too (only one is normally used)

I don't have colors, just cloth wire pretty much everwhere and on everything.

On mine, there is a single lower wire also snaked through the frame that goes to the lower board. Ie. my yellow equal gets fished through that little gap where your cloth wire is. No other wires near there.  Your two wires there has me confused.... maybe.

I.e. I can't get a visual grip on this without seeing more or mention of where they go or went, etc. It appears to me there are two wires on the lower board. I want to be wrong, but I need confirmation before it's going to click for me. I need to see every wire, and up close, or full detail written in one post. Another pic of another side/angle? 

 (you can edit that 1st pic to be large, scroll way down to the pic box in edit, you'll see insert attach. tool in blue in the pic box, your choices here are sm,med,large* ( normally, after "success" while loading, before you hit finish, another small line appears mid box, with a check box to insert image large into text. But you can wait and choose sm/med/large there too, usful for some shots, and not exclusive to editing.   I can't do the image address copy/paste or would have. That option died a few days ago. (it all gets fixed eventually, google code is just unstable from constant change and experimenting with far to many useless half finished features rushed out in search of the next fad. I hate it, but for the price here I am. I need a phone anyhow



I went back and added the full size picture. I'm on my laptop now. I posted on my phone and overlooked the option.

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