Scott unveiled a run 2 SP Lark at the Chicago 2 rail show this weekend. This offering is Long Overdue. Stay tuned for details to be posted on the GGD Webpage.
Cheers 😉
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That’s unexpected and very exciting! Since I got my hands on a mostly complete Lark 2 years ago, I hope I can order a Lark Club triple unit to finish my set off.
Some info available now on Third and Townsend Models O Scale Preorder page:
I think the Lark went into production in 2013 and was delivered late that year or or early 2014. It’s Definitely been a long time for run 2 to pop up. They Rarely !!!! show up in the secondary/resale market !!!!
Here’s a nice throwback pic to wet your whistle. If anyone has any nice pix of their GGD Lark they can add, Please Do !!!
Cheers 😉
This 2013 set was beautiful. I purchased it mainly for two cars that sparked my interest. The RPO and the BAGGAGE.
Yes, the stream-styled head end cars are fantastic. A unique SP shop build that has been rarely modeled. A couple of the baggage cars were also painted in Daylight for use on the San Joaquin; offering these for seperate sale would be a nice add on.
I completed artwork on the first run in May of 2013, so it has been over 10 years. There have been a lot of requests for this train over the years, but that does not guarantee orders. I hope we can see this great train run again, especially now that there is an opportunity to perhaps add the Cascade if interest is strong.
I'll definitely order a Cascade or Lark, although I would prefer the Cascade. I really like the Lark, but at 15 cars, the Cascade would be nicer on my wallet. Either way, this is exciting, the Lark is one of my favorite SP trains. I like the contrast between the locomotive and the cars.
I may just spring for a full 9 car set to get it in postwar lettering. I can mix in some sleepers from my 2013 set and sell of the excess cars from that set.
Jonathan, 2 things I curious about. 1. The head end cars were done in brass in 2013. The new announcement says aluminum so did Scott figure out how do do these cars with extrusions? 2. I recall one of the challenges with this train was that the sleepers are all smooth side while the diner/lounge is fluted which meant different extrusions are needed. Any thoughts on how difficult this will be to coordinate a second time?
I hope this rerun gets enough traction to move forward and if the Cascade gets done as well, then that would be a plus.
I hope the 10-6 PULLMAN with the blunt end could be offered as a add on car It could be offered in several different SP schemes.
@Ryan Selvius posted:I may just spring for a full 9 car set to get it in postwar lettering. I can mix in some sleepers from my 2013 set and sell of the excess cars from that set.
Jonathan, 2 things I curious about. 1. The head end cars were done in brass in 2013. The new announcement says aluminum so did Scott figure out how do do these cars with extrusions? 2. I recall one of the challenges with this train was that the sleepers are all smooth side while the diner/lounge is fluted which meant different extrusions are needed. Any thoughts on how difficult this will be to coordinate a second time?
I hope this rerun gets enough traction to move forward and if the Cascade gets done as well, then that would be a plus.
I don't have any special insight on how the head end cars will be executed other than to say that they will be difficult as an extrusion in my mind, but that is why I'm not on the engineering side of it. Fluted versus smooth side extrusions are much easier to accomplish than the roof lines of the head end cars. All I can say now is that the factory has come a long way in the last 10 plus years and we will see what they are able to achieve.
There’s another older thread /topic related to this one that is worth checking out. Lots of Good info.
“Golden gate depot SP Lark or Cascade”
Cheers 😉
@TrainBub posted:There’s another older thread /topic related to this one that is worth checking out. Lots of Good info.
“Golden gate depot SP Lark or Cascade”
Cheers 😉
Exciting!! Wonder why it’s not on the website.
Give Scott a little time on it. A few projects that are actively in progress are taking priority such as the FAs, Genesis locomotives, and delivery of 2nd run Superliners.
I happened to see this week that Scott is teasing the possibility of doing the SP subs in O scale as well! If this also comes to fruition, he may drive us SP fans into poverty.