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I have two relatively new Lionel Legacy Engines.  Both were purchased this year Lionel 193311 and Lionel 1933091 they  are from the 2019 catalog.  Both engines were purchase new.  They are running with no problems on my layout.  I purchased a use Legacy engine 6-28263.  This is a heritage unit that was release in 2007.  The engine has very little run time and seems to be like new condition.  The heritage unit is constantly loosing it signal and will stop.  The engine is being run on the same layout as the new legacy engines.  When I hold my hand over the engine it returns to normal.  Is there a big difference between new legacy engines and older legacy engines.  I have removed the shell from the older legacy engine and the antenna seems to be in tack.  I cleaned the wheels, pick up rollers and track with 91% alcohol.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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@pigfoot posted:

I have two relatively new Lionel Legacy Engines.  Both were purchased this year Lionel 193311 and Lionel 1933091 they  are from the 2019 catalog.  Both engines were purchase new.  They are running with no problems on my layout.  I purchased a use Legacy engine 6-28263.  This is a heritage unit that was release in 2007.  The engine has very little run time and seems to be like new condition.  The heritage unit is constantly loosing it signal and will stop.  The engine is being run on the same layout as the new legacy engines.  When I hold my hand over the engine it returns to normal.  Is there a big difference between new legacy engines and older legacy engines.  I have removed the shell from the older legacy engine and the antenna seems to be in tack.  I cleaned the wheels, pick up rollers and track with 91% alcohol.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

This does not help to resolve your issue, but just FYI, I have 4 of the Legacy Heritage units and they all work fine just like my new legacy stuff, no difference.  Seems that engine has some particular issue.  I am sure one of the technical guys on here will jump in and help you troubleshoot.  Good luck!

Last edited by Sean's Train Depot

Thank you for all the help

I disconnected the auxiliary power from the DCS system and everything seems to be working fine.  The auxiliary power was an old computer power supply.  I was using the 12volt DC power form it.  I guess it did not like it.  I plugged a z-500 into it and everything seems okay.

I was just curious as to why it went haywire. 

Gunrunner John how do you lengthen the antenna on a legacy diesel.  It a lionel heritage unit item # 6-28263.

Thanks again


@pigfoot posted:
Gunrunner John how do you lengthen the antenna on a legacy diesel.  It a lionel heritage unit item # 6-28263.

Plain wire.  The antenna in many of those is a small plate on a post.  I add wire glued inside the top of the shell and going around in a large loop.  You'd be amazed how much better they'll receive with a couple feet of wire inside the shell added to the antenna.

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