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I just purchased my first train engine in over 40 yrs.  Well actually my first purchase ever as the ones I currently have were from my childhood.  I purchased a LC+ 2.0 Norfolk Southern 3619. Thanks Trainworld!   

So what I didn't notice was that the engine is O traditional scale.  That's fine as it's the one I was eying down for quite some time.  As with anything else new I'm starting on that slippery slope and checking out some of the newer rolling stock.  Some of the items are listed as Scale or Standard O.  Would they look silly with this engine?  With some of my older engines the O27 boxcars are smaller than the traditional boxcar sizes and I prefer not to mix them.  I don't see measurements of the height of the rolling stock so I'm thinking it may be higher than the engine itself?



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Actually I think I just answered my own question.  I found this very informative post with explanation of the product coding:  thanks @Jim R.

The marketing category for my  model engine is #34 indicating O Non Scale Diesel.  I found a video with someone running standard O boxcars and it didn't look bad at all.  The marketing category for that engine was also #34 albeit it was longer in length.


Thanks Mannyrock.  So far the engine runs great.   

It seems like a lot of the newer rolling stock that I like such as the Railbox 50' and some others are mostly the standard O. Much of the newer traditional O boxcars seem to be the novelty kind.   The older stuff like the mpc era has much of the type of rolling stock I like with standard road names, etc.   I saw some other gondolas and hoppers that looked nice that were also standard O with the same road name as my engine.

Anyone else here running some of the new LC+2.0 Diesel engines with the standard O rolling stock?  Do you find it doesn't look out of place?


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