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Spence, That's funny, I exchanged my Evo for a new one the other day. Mine hade a loose/moving button platform where the DCS/smoke/etc. buttons were as well. I was having issues with the engine sound cutting out, etc. the new one runs perfectly. Someone asked about the ditch lights. My original Evo had issues. The lights were one of the issues. The new ones ditch lights work correctly. __Gromet


Smooth movement at 1 SMPH is actually unusual in my experience. I have only one engine that will do so.

I generally go straight to 2 SMPH at takeoff and get a nice even movement on all my engines.

And it may be a break in issue, did you lube it? The instructions tell you to lube several points prior to use on every MTH engine I own.

If you lubed it and it is still new, run it a while and then see if it improved.

My low speed champ is the Lionel Vision Line Genset, that one will run at an incredibly slow speed very smoothly.  At the first step, you can hardly see it moving at all!  I only have one DCS locomotive that's pretty smooth at 1MPH, most of them have to get to 2-3 in order to run reasonably smoothly.  My Legacy stuff is a bit better as a rule at slow speed, but even there some do not run smoothly at the slowest speed.  If I got low speed performance like the genset from other engines, I'd be ecstatic!


Between and this several posts I've been really intrigued with the MTH Evolution. I did research, found that I had to pull out my copy of OGR for a review, read some posts, and decided I would soon buy one. Well, the wife was out with her best friend and I visited all the local shops here in Northern Virginia today. I didn't expect to find one, but at the last shop there it was, out on display. When the asked if I wanted to look at it I of course said yes and in seconds couldn't believe the detail of vents, fans and parts you just don't often see. I didn't waste any time and packed it up and brought it home. I have DCS but am in the middle of a build, so little track is up. I couldn't wait. Pulled out a couple long pieces, read the book for a change, hooked it up to conventional and still got wonderful engine sound, lights, ditch lights, marker boards, and then more sounds. I think this is a great engine and will force me to keep moving forward on my build! Terry

Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

Never knew about Trains 'R Fun, and they're not far from me.  They should have an Internet presence.

John, I've "re-discovered" Trains 'R Fun largely as a result of my interest in Standard Gauge items.  SideTrack Hobbies is still my "go to" store for most things Standard Gauge simply due to my long-standing acquaintance with Al & Libby that goes back decades.  But it's also nice to have a "local" store I can walk into whenever I find myself back in the Chesterbrook / Valley Forge / Great Valley area.  Always best to call ahead before making the drive though, as their hours are very limited.  On a typical day, it's usually 11:30am-3:30pm.


When I asked Charlie if he planned to develop a website, he seemed quite happy with the level of business done through the MTH product locator.



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