Thank you, Rubin, Mike, Bob, Jay!
Rubin, You are right about the way the bricks or stones are weathered/dislodged over the years. My thoughts have been based on the 2-foot rule, where how much detail is there when looking at a model/scenery from 2 feet away, or in O scale 96 inches away. So, what would the real brick street look like from rounding to 100 feet away? As far as the brick street goes, it would probably be somewhere between the first try and the second try. I did say I was going to practice painting and weathering the first try, but haven't yet. Actually, either of them would work just fine suggesting a brick street as opposed to an asphalt one.
Mike, isn't it interesting how a comment by Bob got me thinking abut what a piece of foam would look like with the roller impression.
Bob, I am certainly not opposed to side discussions on this thread like the one you started about making portals. It is still modeling brick or stonework.
Jay, yes I was 'impressed' too with the impression the roller left on Styrofoam. There could certainly be a use for that technique on the layout. Maybe other rollers with different brick or stone designs would be worth looking at. It certainly was quicker than measuring and carving. 
Thank you everyone for taking a look-see!