I set up some OSB on top of the Mianne benchwork at about the right measurements as in the latest plan. I factored in 6" from the edge of the tracks to the edge of the table to accommodate a bit of scenery and catch train derailments. My sails were deflated, or better yet my boiler ran out of steam. If I build with the extended lower level for a little bit of buildings or even not extended lower level with 054 curves, I won't be able to move the upright piano out of the room when the time comes. The track on Homasote in these two photographs is the 042 track from the layout I started in the little room.
I tried to line up the edge of the wall, but the photograph doesn't show it right. There is less room between the track edge and the doorway than the photograph really shows. Annie is in the shadow at the bottom of the photograph shaking her head in disapproval.
So I went back to the drawing board again. I made the two loops 042, like they were originally when I thought I could get by with the benchwork up against the built in shelves. I actually think I got layers right this go round. So I came up with this. I added the SCARM file too.
My H9 Consolidation and Shay both run fine on the 042 curve, as do my 60' passenger cars. So, I really don't need 054 curves. I took down the 054 loop before taking the photographs. It was even more obvious that it took too much room.
Someone may say, "Move the piano out now." Well, I can't until later this year when we learn whether our older daughter and her husband can really afford to buy my parents' house and acreage. That would be when they have room to take it. It is probably just as well. This forces me to keep that space open for traffic. If I use part of the walkway for layout, surely I will need to move something through at some time or other, even if it is my wheelchair so I can still operate the layout someday!
On a slightly different note, I mentioned on another topic I received a very slight windfall which my wife told me to use for the layout. So I took it to the bank this morning, and now have a few dollars to use for this first stage of the layout development.