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I can't find the posting that mentions what the current Pledge formula is now being used for securing decals. Some where I (think) I read it was the Pledge "Multi" formula and another post mentioned Pledge for" vinyl" flooring. Who knows???

Sure wished J&J would have kept it simple for us modelers.

Last edited by Rockyroad
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I have used Future floor polish on models before applying decals.  I have also used it on canopies, it makes the plastic look like glass.  In my experience, the application of floor polish gives a smooth surface for the decal to adhere to.  Unless you want it to say shiny you will have to over spray the decal with a dull coat.  I have been using the same bottle of Future for years.  I went into Wal-Mart a while back and noticed there was no Future floor polish.  It appears Future was bought out by Pledge.  It looks like the same stuff I have always used.

Image result for vinyl floor polish

Mr. UP

Thanks for your reply.

I found a bottle at Walmart this morning that looks like the one you have pictured, but without the "Future Shine" seal on the label.  The one I bought is "Pledge Floor Care" Multi Surface Finish .It also mentions...Long-Lasting Shine and Acrylic Protection. I'll give it a test this weekend  on some spare decals. If this formula is successful, it may be the only current alternative.


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