I’m get the gumption up to wire my No.60 Trolley. I have my solder station ready with a new solder tip, solder and flux. I bought a refurbished field assembly and brushes from the Train Tender quite a while ago but do not have a visual guide on how to perform this work or know the correct gage wire to use. Your expert views with images would be greatly appreciated!
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Use either #22 or #24 wire. Get something with wire soft insulation, something like super flex. I would recommend you get some soldier wick, pre fluxed, to remove the existing solder before trying to disconnect the wires. Test as you go. If you get the field wires on the wrong terminals it will run, but it would not reverse.
I do appreciate your efforts however, I really need clear views all the way around to see where the wires are coming from and going to.
The view of the wiring is very difficult to see where the wires coming from the field assembly and the wire from the rollers are going to.
Is it possible someone could expose their trolley or gang car and post images for me? I am not good at understanding the schematics.
Thank you.
I’ve refurbished 5 trolleys so I learned this via hard knocks. The pic you posted is so helpful for newbies. Thanks!
Just be careful with the wires coming off the field assembly. After 60+ years they’re a bit brittle and have a tendency to break at unexpected points.
Since you have refurbished five trolleys, can you verify my findings in the image I submitted?
I was just going by what I saw in the photo. I have not attempted on my trolley as of yet.
Thank you!
The notes on the above photo are not correct. In the picture the two lugs coming from under the orange cover are the two brush holder connections. The brush holder closest to the camera has two black wires going to it. One is from the collector roller. The other black wire is power going to the lamp. On the far side, the lug coming from under the orange cover has two field wires going to it. The other ends of the two field wires goes to the two lugs on the reversing switch. As I said above, if you get the field wires on the wrong terminals it will run, but it would not reverse when it hits something. If this happened reverse the wires going to the reversing switch lugs. The reversing switch grounds one or the other of the lugs. This puts the armature in series with one of the field coils or the other, but not both, then to ground.