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I need some help. I pick up this signal today, 11-90036 which is a signal block. I did not know at the time but it is made to stop the train in a block and then after a set time, start back up. It has a bypass switch on it so it does not stop the train. You need to use isolated rails for this. I would like to just use it for the lights. Is there a way to wire it up to an itad to do this. I could not figure out how to do it. Maybe I can't do this.
Any help please.
Thank you...Steve
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Do not make the block with the center rail or hook up the white wire and the train will not stop. As I said the ITAD will replace the insulated outside rail.

Hook the red and black to hot and common and touch the yellow to common and see what happens. It will not work as a block signal but can be faked.

I wish you could buy this as block signal with different electronics to make it work the way I would like it.
You would have to modify the internal wiring so you could hook up the lamp leads directly to the controller your using to switch which lamp is on. Originally the thermal strip defaulted to contacting the green lamp lead so it showed when cool. When a train entered the block and stopped the power was bypassed through the element inside the signal and started heating the thermal strip. The red lamp was grounded as soon as the train entered the insulated section. As the thermal strip heated it turned the yellow lamp on and the train proceeded. After the thermal strip cooled the green lamp was again lit and the cycle started over again. You would have to find the hot leads to the three lamps and disconnect them from the thermal control inside and hook them to your ITAD directly and set the delay on the ITAD to your liking.

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