Thought I would share NS's newest Sonic Bonnet today 8/18/16. NS AC44C6M #4004.
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That's a good looking scheme!
I lovvvvvve this paint scheme. I'm curious to see who gets it out on a locomotive first.
I really like that, If you recall, Lionel issues the Western Maryland Fireball Bonnet a few years back. This picture reminds me of why I bought them. Red, Black, Yellow - really cool.
Yes, this unit along the other 2, 4000 & 4001 have the blue. I like this scheme a little more. I know railfans call them Sonic Bonnets, but what does NS call them besides AC44C6M.
I love the paint scheme, but think it would look cooler if they had the blue stripe be red or yellow. Its still awesome!
Now that just looks MEAN! Love it!
The blue, which I guess is a horse mane, looks like a saw!
645 posted:wrawroacx posted:Yes, this unit along the other 2, 4000 & 4001 have the blue. I like this scheme a little more. I know railfans call them Sonic Bonnets, but what does NS call them besides AC44C6M.
4000 / 4001 are known as the "Blues Brothers" since they were operated together as a pair for a long time.
Yes now I do recall someone calling them that. As for the blue between the Black & Gray. I find it's ok. When I first saw the paint scheme, it for some reason reminded me of Sea World. But yes I would have preferred a different color. But I do like the Black and Grey together.
Nice try, but... I would keep the horse mane, if that is what it's supposed to be, and paint it all black. Lose the gray.