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Coach Joe,

The paper acts as the basic shape of the mountain with the added bonus of "rockiness" when crumpled up. With a lot of glue mix, for ground foam,  it probably wouldn't be good as a stand alone medium. The plaster cloth on top of the paper will form a hard shell. Even with that, you really should concentrate on what is under the construction paper, because if you are planting trees with pins on the bottom they will need something to hold them in place under the terrain. Everything else can be glued to the plaster cloth. Lastly, some will even put a layer of plaster over the plaster cloth to smooth it out and avoid the pattern of the plaster cloth itself showing through.


Last edited by luvindemtrains

JD - I did the same thing on my layout before I was able to use permanent plaster and it worked pretty well.  I replaced the crumpled and stapled brown wrapping paper with cardboard lattice stapled to the framework and then used plaster cloth over that.  It enabled me to "road test" the design and shape of the mountains before I made them permanent.

Your layout is really looking good.  Thanks for sharing and nice video.


@coach joe posted:

Jason, the mountain and tunnels are looking good so far.  Would the construction paper support ground foam, trees and rockface without the plaster cloth?  I'm just wondering if you could a very labor intensive process?

Thanks Joe. I think you would find that you'd run into a lot of problems with just the paper. I could be wrong, but I think you'd be fighting to cover up the seams, paper tears, etc.

- Jason

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