I have a vintage Lionel train set that was purchased in 1952. I played with it has a child, but after that it was boxed up for 40 years. I have set up about a year ago and with a little care the train runs fine. I have four 022 Lionel switches in my layout. I have recently installed two UCS tracks. They are from the time period as the train set.
The UCS tracks will uncouple the cars when the train is in motion. When I put the train in neutral over the UCS track it will not uncouple the cars even if I put the transformer at full power. One of the UCS tracks I have wired to have for fixed voltage and the other is not. Both operate in the same manner at this time. I have six clip-ons around the layout. I have checked for loose wires from the clip-ons and the switches and can find none.
Because the UCS tracks operate when the train is running and do not otherwise, I think I have a power issue, but I am not sure. I have a KW transformer to power the track and I have the switches being powered by a 1033 transformer. I am attaching pictures of the transformers and the UCS track that is wired for fixed voltage. The fixed voltage is wired to the 14 volt connection on the KW.
I appreciate any ideas on how to correct this problem.
Thanks for your help.