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Dear List,

     I have noticed in the past 6months-year a growing group of O scale Modelers that are offering great products thru the rapid development of 3D printers and rubber mold reproduction.

     I thought a thread started on who these folks are and there products they offer so we can refer to them and support them, so please chime in.

The modelers I have seen offer products so far are:

 Marty Brechbiel (mwb)- rubber molds of freight car parts and scenery items- attends most east coast O Scale 2 Rail shows

 Mario Scalzo (central fan 1976)- 3D printed Kadee coupler pockets for Lionel/MTH locos/freight cars conversions.

 Terry Terrance- 3D printed PRR Caternary details, PRR/B&O Signals and lineside items- attends Strasburg 2 rail O Scale show.


Who else can you share with the forum?    Thanks, John





Last edited by jdunn
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Shapeways has been around for a while and done things for all scales.  The 3-d printing technology is fascinating - I toyed with the idea of getting a home unit.   As the technology evolves, I think it really has the potential to shake things up in a lot of industries, including the ones that service our hobby.   Right now, it's pretty simple stuff, but moving forward I could see things getting pretty sophisticated, with entire kits being offered for rolling stock and other more complicated items.  


Of course, you'll probably still need to know how to paint and have skill at finding and applying decals, which is a big problem for me 

Thanks, John.


I've also produced 3 structure kits, one freight car kit, one traction flat car kit, castings for a 4-wheel trolley body, and have done a bit of resin casting for several other's products along with some casting and custom construction work (cars and structures) for others.  Got a structure for someone on one of my benches right now...


Right now all of the kits are out of production although the trolley and traction items might make a comeback in the future and be joined by a work flat MoW motor kit.  Depends on time and interest (mine), and whether sleep really is over-rated,

At the Narrow Gauge Convention, I find cottage industry people making kits and

components that I would like to have a list of, them as a source, and their products.

While we would all like for them to advertise in OGR, and have the info at our fingertips. many are very low budget, and some may have a too narrow view of their

market range...I am a three railer, but I attend O scale and Narrow Gauge shows looking for stuff I can't find at York or other shows, nor advertised anywhere.  I certainly would like to see some sort of media listing, constantly updated, of those cottage makers of any and all O scale products.  (I find the scope of three rail too

narrow..they have moved beyond reproducing just the few 1950's prototypes, but are a long way from the variety that has been historically offered in HO... and if it is there or has been in O scale, I doubt it, but can't find out about it)

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