Dear List,
I have noticed in the past 6months-year a growing group of O scale Modelers that are offering great products thru the rapid development of 3D printers and rubber mold reproduction.
I thought a thread started on who these folks are and there products they offer so we can refer to them and support them, so please chime in.
The modelers I have seen offer products so far are:
Marty Brechbiel (mwb)- rubber molds of freight car parts and scenery items- attends most east coast O Scale 2 Rail shows
Mario Scalzo (central fan 1976)- 3D printed Kadee coupler pockets for Lionel/MTH locos/freight cars conversions.
Terry Terrance- 3D printed PRR Caternary details, PRR/B&O Signals and lineside items- attends Strasburg 2 rail O Scale show.
Who else can you share with the forum? Thanks, John