I am planning my O scale switching layout rebuild. it includes (as my former layout )a couple of small yards and a float bridge and rail float I scratchbuilt. It is a point to point to point arrangement. I am using two sizes of rail.
I would like to know if anyone here can facilitate my endevour with rail transition. I have plans to place my code 100 rail (track & scratchbuilt turnouts) in a layout connecting with another size rail code of 148 ( the approach, float bridge and railfloat). Obvious to me that code 100 rail height ascending to code 148 will be my challenge for a reasonably smooth transition, or connectivity. I am not aware of multi 0 code rail joiners availability (possibly fabrication of joining two codes of rail joiner?)unsure if just making an appropriate ramp from one height to the other would work.
what might you do to join the different size rail?
thanking you for your thoughts and time.
have a good safe day.