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Has anyone tried to contact Old Pullman lately?  I received no longer in service recordings when I dialed the two phone numbers I have.  Emails, both their old and new addresses come back undeliverable.  Their website is still up and running.


I was interested in their double slip switch and a curved turnout.  Does anyone else make these assembled? 

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What do you expect , it takes a skilled person to construct a turnout by hand , how long does it take you to build one , if you even have the skill to , then ask yourself what does it take for you to run a business with regulations , insurance , workers comp, rent , materials , don't forget advertising and a little profit , I suspect you approach 60 bucks an hr , who wants to subsidize a bunch of  guys hobby who would complain about a turnout for $100 hand made in the USA

He woke up , and smelled the coffee .

Back in the 70's I owner a hobby shop here in Sioux City. Here is how it went. Let's start with $1.00 representing a years sales. 60 cents bought most of the merchandise. Some like Atlas was 65 cents, some of the craft stuff cost 50 cents. Now I have 40 cents left. Sales tax got paid first 6 cents, then the rent, then the utilities, then insurance, someplace in here I paid the bank, etc. The best year I had after all was paid I got to keep about 5 cents which I used to by additional inventory. Second happiest day of my life was when the sucker, I mean buyer, bought the place. I went back to college and finished my degree. I do miss it once in a while but then I wake up from the dream.



On the other hand, Mikey is probably wealthy.  I bet if he sells enough 2-rail stuff, he will figure out how to produce 2-rail track for about the same price as 3-rail track.


If you could sell five thousand, the price would be lower, and profit margins higher.  I think Beat made them one by one.  Not sure.  They were superb, and affordable.

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