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If its a bridge that the train goes through I use o scale for clearance reasons, but for others I have used ho for all different kinds of deck type bridges.  I have also made my own for special conditions.  The most important issue with bridges is clearance.  Coming and going make sure your biggest stuff fits while you are setting the bridge, cause its a giant PITA later!   Russ

Here's a couple of samples, the first is scratch built, The second is just some pillars under the plywood, this will later have a side piece to make it look like a girder.  The last is two Bachmann bridges end to end.  I've used the Atlas, MTH, and Lionel bridges and they all make the railroad look much more realistic, not just a ping pong table with track.  Have fun, Russ.










Images (3)
  • L107
  • L83
  • L126

Unless you are modeling real heavyweights like the D&RG the typical ON30 consist is much smaller and lighter.  Most S scale bridges and tunnel portals are adequate for the smaller size locos and cars,not overwhelming the rolling stock.


If I ever get my new layout started I will use S scale wooden bridge, trestle and tunnel portal/retaining walls.


Go to a well stocked hobby shop or a scale model RR show and examine some of the built up display models.  They fit in extremely well.


Consider that a bridge designed for a Big Boy looks rather silly with an O-4-O crossing it pulling a bobber caboose!



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