Current project layout. 20x40 ON30 double deck visible with hidden storage. 34 inch min radius, code 83 ME track and #5 switches, NCE DCC, 2 % max grade. Summer of 1940 Chama to Antonito with a ton of artistic license thown in! Main deck is at 42 inches, top deck is at 54 inches, hidden storage is at 30 inches. Upper deck is supported off of the walls with angle braces. Progress so far is we have portions of the Chama area bench work done, most of the bottom or staging area is done. Some of the upper deck braces are mounted. We have about 75 feet of track installed on the staging deck and have started test wireing the DCC stuff and begun the debugging phase. I always forget to bring my camera when I go to work on the layout but I will try and get some progress pix as we go along. The owner and I are both retired and very active in the local live steam club so our time is not entirely devoted to this project! Russ