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I have several cars that were packed in the formed plastic and I thought they were well done.  The cars that I have that were packed in styrofoam I thought were a bit hard to get out.  I worried that if the cars had any delicate detail like brake lines they might get damaged by having to push too hard to get them out of the styrofoam.  So, I vote for the plastic.  And another thing is that you can somewhat see the car in the plastic and avoid grabbing delicate parts.



I prefer the foam...but with the cars wrapped in that soft clear plastic liner that the Masterline cars come with.  After I weather my TTX cars, the plastic packaging will go bye, bye, and be replaced with thin bubble wrap material. I do not want the weathering abraded by molded packing.  Plus, I am going to replace the Atlas couplers with the new(er) Kadee #746 long shank couplers, so the supplied packaging won"t be usable.

I agree about placing cars on bubble wrap or any other kind of plastic.


I had my HO cars stored in slide-out plastic storage bins with "rubber shelf-paper" between 2 layers of cars.  Even the weight of the HO cars caused pressure on the lower layer, resulting in the rubber shelf-paper to stick to the roofwalks causing minor damage to the paint.


A couple of months ago I went out to my shed to get something out of an old tackle box and all the rubber worms inside had melted thru the plastic trays in the box!!!

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