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DSCN8090Patena on brass model

I attended the dedication of a bridge spanning US 31 in Indiana.  Named for CMS Arno Land, his family asked us to the family home for a reception.  They asked those attending to take a 3 3/4 inch tall statue and do as they want with it.  My thought is to mount it on a pedestal in one of the parks on our layout.

Any one have ideas how to transform a hard plastic toy into a statue with a surface similar to the patina of this brass car?  I think my first step would be to apply either a brown or black prime coat.  After that I have no idea how to proceed.  Brush on a light blue-green? A dark green with a light green on top?  For mounting, the base below the soles of the boots will be removed.

In advance, thank you.  John in Lansing, ILL


Images (2)
  • DSCN8090
  • Patena on brass model
Last edited by rattler21
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This tutorial is entitled "How to paint a bronze statue".....

Statue paint link

Although this is by a gamer, and the paints he references are typically sold at hobby shops and game shops that sell that brand, listen to the basic colors called out.  Any brand of acrylic paint that has these colors will do for your purpose.

Pretty nifty, if I do say so myself.



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