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I needed to populate my board, so I ordered (you can guess the zon) 50 of them for $10, knowing they would not work. Very good deal! Men, women, kids, sitters and standers. Most men in dress suits w/ tie, but some others. Cut some clear plastic from the case they came in and glued them to a small circle I cut out. They are perfect for stations, towns etc. They really don't have faces, but most visitors will not get down and inspect them....for less than a quarter each, they work. I also could have gotten 100 for only $4 more, I may still order some. Maybe I will create a miniature graveyard! Or a car accident scene. Or, city wide protesters with signs and marching. The ideas are endless...well, I hope they end soon.  (if you need pictures let me know.)

I also found out that Goop, the stuff I stuck them to the plastic with so they could stand, works great to simulate ice patches. (Probably any clear silicone would work.) Just put a blob on a road or parking lot, wet your finger, and smooth it into a thin patch. For my winter scenes, it simulates ice well, maybe I will make a small skating pond with it.

Best of luck with your projects, Greg

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@Mark Boyce posted:

Hi Greg!  It sounds like you got a good deal!  Yes I need people on my layout too!  I have a few, but haven't decided where I want them.  I did buy some that need painted, but don't know when I will do that.

I can paint a house or a car (or used to be able to) but I am NOT painting those miniature people! At less than a quarter apiece, I will buy all I need. 100 for $15 is my kind of deal. A little time and glue to get them a clear plastic base to hold them up, and I am off to the races. (or to run trains - or almost any other thing I can think of.)

My suggestion for you would be to give the paint to someone who can use it if you do not use it, then throw away the unpainted people. Or, create a cemetery on your layout and bury them, or cover them with a sheet at a fake car accident site on your board (oh, do you have a board?) but as for me, I would never spend the time trying to paint their little ***es!

That could just be me though, Greg

My wife said "what are you doing?" I said "I'm painting swimsuit models." She said "I'm glad you have a hobby..."


My wife said "what are you doing?" I said "I'm painting hookers." She said "You need therapy..."

Man, oh man!! How great are they! You have the patience of a saint if you painted those. Terrific scenes.

Since I model Christmas layout, they would not look right for me....but, I wish I had them to display anyway! Nice work!!!


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