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Wow, didn't think Photo Fun would be missed...


My regularly scheduled Monthly Photo Fun made it's last run before the forum switched to Hoop-la and is now lost to the ages. 


I felt I was running out of ideas at the time.  I've got the text and pictures of the last run buried somewhere on my home computer, I'll try to dig it up this weekend and repost.


Photo Fun's popped up as an Extra from time to time since then, Brady Burge led off a couple of them.


Otherwise, I haven't forgotten, just been sidetracked.  Some archival pictures have shown up on the 3-rail side when appropriate to the subject.



Wow, didn't think Photo Fun would be missed...


You silly boy. OF COURSE it is missed.


We're not a hard crowd to make happy... shoot some more of your stuff on your layout.  Shucks... you've got SCENERY... that's a whole lot more than I can say!


Same goes for John Albee and Brady and Carl and Ed... in fact, ANYBODY with an S scale layout!  Shoot some pics and share 'em here!  We're not rivet counters, or if we are, we don't preach it... scale, Hi-Rail, AF... we don't care!  Is it S scale?  THEN POST PICS OF IT HERE!


Come 'on guys... OGR gave us this space... let's use it!


It is not a photo,  but  I would like to see A VIDEO,  of ANDRE, (Laming) :   V-scale,  that looked interesting. Especially if can be put on a big screen. Terry


Hi Terry!  You mean my computer simulation stuff?


I only have two videos illustrating some of my V scale stuff.  One of them is a promo vid that has to be downloaded and viewed in a media player of some sort.  The other is on Youtube... but I don't know how to embed.  Can somebody help me with to learn how to embed a Youtube video?








Now that's what I mean!  Great start and quite a bit of space for a layout.  Will this be hi-rail, scale... what?




Here's a link to a video review of my Ozark Northern route that I released some years ago.  This was an independent review by a fellow I've never personally met. He reviews almost all new V scale releases (and my Ozark Northern was a new release at the time.)


Still don't know how to embed a video, so here is a direct link to the review:

It will be hi-rail with as much of a scale scenery look as I can manage with a few additions of Flyer. These pics are about 2 yrs old and a lot of progress since they were taken. I'll be posting some more as I can and will take some of current status when I get a chance.  Layout is appox. 35 ft long X 18 ft wide X 12 ft. in the shape of a "J".






Images (3)
  • DSCF0011
  • DSCF0012
  • DSCF0013

As promised, here's the "encore presentation" (what we used to call reruns where I come from...) of the last regularly scheduled Monthly Photo Fun, May 2011.



There was something in the air… 
A sound…
A sound carried lightly on a breeze…
A sound familiar, yet unfamiliar…
A sound that drew nearer, quickening our hearts… 
A silvery vision streaking through town…
We raced toward the tracks … 
Barely in time to catch only a glimpse… 
Just as quickly, it was gone…
The sound…
The vision…
All but a silver specter on the wind…


KGB 040911 07r

KGB 040911 09r

KGB 040911 11r

kgb 040911 14rabc

Zephyrus 3-2r

As the intrepid 9900 speeds along the way of the Zephyrs journeying everywhere west, this concludes Monthly Photo Fun as a regularly scheduled departure from the Land of the Burlingtons.


Even though the S Photo Fun isn't as regular a feature as it is on the 3-rail side, I still encourage anyone to post photo's of any form of S on this forum.


It's always interesting to see what others are doing, be it Flyer, Hirail, Scale or Narrow Gauge.





Images (5)
  • KGB 040911 07r
  • KGB 040911 09r
  • KGB 040911 11r
  • Zephyrus 3-2r
  • kgb 040911 14rabc
Originally Posted by laming:

Crappy basement... eh?  Doesn't look so crappy to me. 



Yep, with the exception of the "frosting" on the top, not much has changed from this early-mid 90's BDC (Before Digital Camera) view.  There's a reason I sometimes refer to the KGB as "The Great Plywood Glacier:"


KGB early 90's

Well, some of the junk undereath has been rearranged since...  and there's more of it!




Images (1)
  • KGB early 90's
Last edited by Rusty Traque

Coming up for air.


I used the Labor Day weekend to excavate a couple of chooches that haven't seen daylight in at least 5 years...  The Cherryvale curve still seems to be a popular place to catch trains going by.


"Toto, I don't think we're in Alberta anymore..."

rKGB 090213 22


"That's a whole lot of L.C.L. ya got there..."

rKGB 090213 06




Images (2)
  • rKGB 090213 06
  • rKGB 090213 22
Last edited by Rusty Traque

Mop FA's: LOVE 'em!


SHS did a limited Mop run of FA's using AM products?  Now how cool is that?




See Rusty?

There's still LOTS of interest in a monthly Photo Fun here!  It is "right" and "proper" for the OFFICIAL OGR S Scale Photo Fun thread to be started by one of S scale's best of forum promoters and supporters: The one and only Rusty Traque.


Shucks, I'll even try to take different pics of my same old stuff and post it here as I can.








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