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Originally Posted by laming:



See Rusty?

There's still LOTS of interest in a monthly Photo Fun here!  It is "right" and "proper" for the OFFICIAL OGR S Scale Photo Fun thread to be started by one of S scale's best of forum promoters and supporters: The one and only Rusty Traque.


Oh, my...  Ego's inflated while you wait!


How will I get my head trough the door???



Just sayin' it like I see's it.


As for the inflation issue: There's enough of us out here with straight pins to keep it from getting TOO big!


Seriously:  How long ago was the run of AM Mop FA's? 




Looking for an SHS CB&Q NW2 "Blackbird" w/wo DCC Tsunami Sound. This would complete a pair of CB&Q engines for use on the KC Lines.


Also looking for any of the leftover Des Plaines Hobbies "CB&Q Switchers and Hood Units" decal sets.


(Sigh.) So many toys to see and want, so little time to play.

Here are a few more pics of finished or almost finished areas. There's always room for more details.


An AM Alco PA leaves one of the tunnels. 


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After crossing a trestle over the gorge, a Lionel U33 tops the PA.


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The first appearance of my yet to be completed stream.


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The U33 crosses a trestle over trackage and prepares to cross the gorge trestle.


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Fishing under the gorge trestle.


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Rock face at the gorge trestle.


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A few C&NW custom paint jobs. An AM E8 and AM FA/FB. (Rusty, I missed the SHS offerings so I had to improvise.)


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A factory SHS C&NW RS3 and a painted up AM C&NW in the experimental paint scheme.


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The D&H U33 and a painted up AM D&H RS3.


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Images (9)
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