I just found out that Lionel no longer carries the part # 6-82038 which is the pig tail for Plug and Play so you can wire to a transformer directly. It looks like I could just cut the plug and play male end off the saw mill and use the black and white wires to go to transformer power. Am I correct??
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No - the red and black wires go to power. The white wire is not needed. I usually cut the white wire back to the outer insulation and put a dab of liquid electrical tape over the cut off end.
Put another way- the plug and play color code for the wires and plug systems:
Black- common
Red- Accessory power- assumed constant on
White- triggered function- white is shorted to black common to activate. Not used in all accessories! Again, white could be connected to a switch between it and common (black) or something like a sensing rail in the activator set- wheels short white to common outside rail.
OK Great. I mis spoke about the colored wires, as they mentioned don't use the white wire. Thanks for the input, and that means I am correct in doing what I want, and can forget that pig tail bit. Thanks again.
Check with Legacy Station.
I purchased 3 last week and have received them already.
I think Charles Ro, Nassau Hobbies, and Trainworld also have them.
OK thanks. I will keep that in mind.
I am collecting parts for when I finally find the mill with sound.
Jeff...we moved this to the proper forum. Please be aware that the 3-rail traditional forum is mainly for discussing pre-1970/postwar Lionel. Your topic is dealing with modern Lionel.